Outdoor Burning Information

As fall time approaches and cooler weather sets in, questions have been brought to the attention of the municipality regarding exterior fires.  The Borough would like to clarify the difference between an open burn, a recreational fire and a portable fireplace (chimenea).

Jenkintown Borough has adopted the 2009 International Fire Code.  As defined in Section 302 of the Fire Code, an open burn is that which releases products of combustion and noxious fumes directly into the atmosphere and is not in an approved container.

A recreational fire as defined under Section 302 is that which is in an approved container, not more than 3’ in diameter and less than 2’ high.  Only approved fuels may be burned in such container.

A portable fireplace as defined in Section 302 is that which may have a small hearth or chimney.  This type of container will typically have a spark screen built into it.

Regardless of the container, the fire must be supervised until extinguished and fire suppression must be within reach.  Fire suppression as defined in Section 307.5 of the Fire Code is a fire extinguisher with a 4-A rating, dirt, sand or garden hose immediately available for use.  The burning of yard debris or trash, even in such containers is strictly prohibited and a violation of the open burn ordinance a stated in Chapter 94, Article II.

Property owners shall be mindful of neighbors and limit the amount of smoke produced as not to cause a nuisance.  Safe distances, as listed in Section 307 of the Fire Code shall be 25’ from any structure and/or other combustible materials and 15’ from any structure for a portable fireplace.  Questions can be directed to the Fire Marshal’s office at Borough Hall.

Road Closure, Infrastructure Progress and 2017 Road Paving Project.

Today, Monday, August 21st, the Borough’s subcontractor, General Asphalt Paving Co., completed the milling of Shoemaker Avenue and Linda Vista Avenue. General Asphalt will continue milling tomorrow Tuesday, August 22nd at 7:00 AM on Rodman Avenue between Runnymede Avenue and Cloverly Avenue. This will complete the milling of the roads on the 2017 Paving project. The paving of these roads is scheduled to begin Wednesday, August 23rd. Work on this portion of the project is scheduled to end by 4:00 PM each day. During the milling operation residents will have access to their driveways with periodic disruption. During the paving operation residents will not have continuous access to their driveways and will not be able to access their driveway until the paving has cooled for traffic. Read More »

Milling & Paving Schedule for Monday August 21

Today PECO’s subcontractor, Kehoe, finished the permanent restoration of the trench on Hillside Avenue from York Road to Walnut Street.

Due to the final permanent restoration being complete, the Borough’s subcontractor, General Asphalt Paving Co., will begin milling this Monday, August 21st at 7:00 AM on Rodman Avenue between Runnymede Avenue and Cloverly Avenue. This work is scheduled to end by 4:00 PM each day. During the milling operation residents will have access to their driveways with periodic disruption.

Additionally, the Borough has been notified that AQUA’s subcontractor, Giuliani, has completed the milling of Washington Lane between York Road and Newbold Road and Township Line Road between Washington Lane and Summit Avenue. Final paving of Washington Lane between York Road and Newbold Road and Township Line Road from Washington Lane to Summit Avenue will begin on Monday August 21st at 7:00 AM.  Residents will not have continuous access to their driveways during the paving operation and will not be able to access their driveway until the paving has cooled for traffic.
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Township Line Road work Aug. 18

The Borough has been made aware that AQUA’s subcontractor, Giuliani, has begun the milling operation on Township Line Road between Washington Lane and Summit Avenue today, August 18th, which was a day earlier than originally anticipated. Township Line Road between Washington Lane and Summit Avenue will be closed today until 5:00PM. During the milling operation residents will have access to their driveways with periodic disruption.
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Road Closures & Washington Lane Paving Schedule

The PECO gas main project is nearing completion. PECO’s subcontractor, Kehoe, is performing the final restoration of the trenches. Today the permanent restoration of the trench took place on Shoemaker Avenue between Hillside Avenue and Leedom Street as well as Elm Avenue between Hillside Avenue and Cheltena Avenue. To perform the final restoration safely, Kehoe will be closing Hillside Avenue from York Road to Walnut Street tomorrow, August 18th.

These road closures will last until approximately 4PMContractors will provide access to homes for residents who live in this area.

Additionally,The Borough has been notified that AQUA’s subcontractor, Giuliani, that due to the potential heavy rain in tomorrow’s weather forecast, the paving of Washington Lane between York Road and Newbold Road has been rescheduled to begin Monday August 21st, beginning at 7:00AM. Residents will not have continuous access to their driveways during the paving operation and will not be able to access their driveway until the paving has cooled for traffic.
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