EAC Small Parks Presentation

During the May meeting for the Jenkintown Environmental Advisory Committee, the JEAC devoted their time to preparing a presentation highlighting information regarding small parks and the results of the public survey conducted for the property at 433/435 Cedar Street. The JEAC also invited residents to attend to discuss how to best use green space within the Borough.

Click here opens PDF file to see the slides from the presentation!



Request for Information

Jenkintown Borough is seeking qualified applicants to respond to a Request for Information (RFI) for the acquisition and unified redevelopment of four Borough-owned parcels located on Summit Avenue with County Tax Parcel Nos. 10-00-03764-006; 10-00-03764-105; 10-00-03768-002; and 10-00-03772-007. The RFI is being sought strictly for the purpose of gaining knowledge of services available with an estimate of their corresponding costs and should not be construed as intent, commitment, or promise to acquire services, supplies, or solutions offered. No contract will result from any response to this RFI. The Request for Information will be available beginning on May 16th 2017, and can be obtained from Borough Hall, 700 Summit Avenue, Jenkintown PA, 19046. The Borough requests that this information, in written form, be submitted to Borough Manager, George Locke at 700 Summit Avenue, Jenkintown, PA 19046, no later than July 11th, 2017.

The Request for Information can be found hereopens PDF file . Attachment A here opens PDF file and Attachment B hereopens PDF file .

Jenkintown Red & Blue Fair

Jenkintown’s annual Red & Blue Fair will be held on Saturday, May 20th from 11am-3pm on the grounds of the Jenkintown Elementary School.  The Fair is one of Jenkintown’s GREAT traditions and is NOT to be missed!  It is open to the public and is a wonderful family, school, and community event!

At the Fair, you will find games, activities, inflatables, a dunk tank, grocery roulette, fire truck rides, an amazing plant sale, a fabulous gift basket raffle, delicious food, and SO MUCH MORE! Read More »

Environmental Action Committee to Discuss Use of Green Space

The Jenkintown Environmental Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday May 17 at 7 pm to invite further input from residents on how to best use green space in the Borough. Lucinda Bartley will give a presentation on models of pocket parks and results from the recent survey on green space. We will also discuss the next steps toward becoming an Audubon Bird Town.

Jenkintown Borough Awared $73,902 in Grant Funds

We are pleased to announce that we have received a 2017 Montco 2040 Implementation Grant for the Gateway at the south entrance of the Borough. The grant, aimed at implementing the county comprehensive plan, Montco 2040: A Shared Vision, is one of thirteen recently awarded by the Montgomery County Commissioners. The artist rendition submitted in the grant application as well as the existing gateway can be found hereopens PDF file .

Visit opens in a new windowwww.montcopa.org/Montco2040GrantProgram for more on the grant program and to see all of the grant recipients.

All full article was written by the Abington Patch and can be found here