PECO Pole Removal on Walnut Street

There will be no parking in front of 358 Walnut Street, up to West Avenue, tomorrow – November 8th from 7 AM until 5 PM to assist with the removal of telephone poles on Walnut Street.  The removal of the telephone poles on the Northbound side of Walnut Street will be completed by PECO. The road will remain open and is allowing thru traffic, however,  the Borough recommends using caution when driving in the area.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while these necessary repairs are made. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the Borough at (215) 885-0700.

Pole Removal on Walnut between Greenwood & West 

There will be no parking on Walnut Street from Greenwood to West Avenues tomorrow, November 7th from 7 AM until 5 PM to assist with the removal of telephone poles on Walnut Street.  The removal of the telephone poles on the Northbound side of Walnut Street will be completed by PECO. The road will remain open and is allowing thru traffic however the Borough recommends using caution when driving in the area.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while these necessary repairs are made.If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to get in contact with the Borough at (215) 885-0700

Annual Pumpkin Drop Tomorrow 

Bring your pumpkins to Town Square tomorrow for Mayor Foley’s last annual Pumpkin Drop!

With the help of Jenkintown’s volunteer firefighters, your leftover pumpkins will be ushered one by one aboard a custom-built pumpkin cage, and then hoisted up six stories high on a ladder truck.

The crowd will count down and when the trap door is pulled, the pumpkins fall to the pavement at 50+mph, exploding in a shower of seeds and pumpkin meat. Safe fun for all ages!

The event starts at 3pm Saturday and will last about an hour. If you would like your pumpkin dropped, please also bring a donation of canned or shelf-stable food for Jenkintown’s Loaves and Fishes food bank.

See you there!

Request for Quotes – Tree Trimming

Request for Quotes – Tree Trimming

The Borough of Jenkintown is seeking a qualified tree trimmer to trim the street trees in the Borough. This project will begin with the York Road corridor of which there are twenty-seven (27) street trees. To be qualified under this request for quote the tree trimming company must have an Arborist on staff or available to ensure the trees are not harmed in the process. The Borough would like to have this work performed expeditiously.
Please deliver the quote to Borough Hall or email to George Locke, Borough Manager at by Friday, November 3rd at 4:00 PM or until a qualified contractor has been hired.
If you have any questions please call the Borough Manager George Locke at 215 885 0700.