Residential Use & Occupancy Certification

Jenkintown Borough passed Ordinance #2017-5, on May 27th, 2017 pertaining to Residential Use & Occupancy Certification. This Ordinance was approved to continue to maintain public safety as well as lessen the impact on the environment by reviewing the integrity of the private sewer lateral.

This inspection will take place at the time of the sale of a residential property. The Residential Use & Occupancy Inspection encompasses four areas of compliance; a notarized affidavit of smoke detectors, curb and sidewalk compliance, 4 inch property address (numbering) and a videotaping of the sewer lateral at the property, from the house to the main. Any defects observed in these four areas would need to be resolved prior to the issuance of the permanent Use & Occupancy Certificate. Read More »

811/ Pennsylvania – PA One Call – Information to the General Public 

Jenkintown Borough has received inquires from residents concerning the PA State One Call location/safety markings. The marking of underground utilities is required once a One Call has been submitted. You will see the markings in locations that are either under design for excavation or construction is planned.

Since both inquires received concerned the required color coded markings here is a brief description from the State One Call website on the temporary color marking that is required: White: proposed excavation; Pink: temporary survey markings; Red: electric power lines, cables, conduits and lighting cables; Yellow: gas, oil, steam, petroleum or gaseous materials; Orange: communication, alarm or signal lines, cables or conduits and traffic loops; Blue: potable water; Purple: reclaimed water, irrigation and slurry lines; and, Green: sanitary and storm sewer lines.
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Your Chance for Chili (or pie) Glory is Here Again!

Your chance for chili (or pie) glory is here again! The Jenkintown Recreation Board is proud to host the 2017 Chili Cook-Off and Pie-Baking Tournament on October 14, 1 PM in Town Square (rain location: Independent Fire Co.)! Read the full rules or enter as a chili cook or pie baker for FREE at

Enter your best chili recipe for a chance to win up to $200 in prize money and be crowned the Jenkintown Chili King or Queen! Read More »

Evening Hours with Rep. McCarter & Congressman Boyle   

U.S Congressman Brandan Boyle and State Representative Steve McCarter will have open offices from 9 AM until 8 PM on Tuesday, September 26th to allow individuals who are unable to meet during normal business hours, full access to state and federal government – related services.

Congressman Boyle’s staff will be available to answer questions and address concerns involving the federal government, such as veterans’ benefits, federal student loans, Social Security and Medicare, passports and visas and IRS issues.
No appointments are necessary – Steve McCarter’s office is located at 115 E. Glenside Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038 – Suite 8. Congressman Boyle is located at the same address, Suite 1.

Please call (215) 572-5210 if you have any questions.

Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Tonight  

The Jenkintown Environmental Advisory Committee will meet tonight, September 20th at 7 PM in Jenkintown Borough Hall. The agenda for this evening will be to collaborate on a statement for the Friends of the Cedar Street- Moretti Park.

Members of the community are invited to participate in tonight’s meeting.

As always, please feel free to call the Borough if you require our assistance at (215) 885- 0700.