Jenkintown PD Parking Enforcement Kiosk Changes

On June 12th, 2024, Jenkintown Borough was notified by the PA Department of Community & Economic Development that the “Letter of Intent” previously submitted had been approved for a police study.
A note from the Borough Manager explaing the acceptance of this letter is posted below, and can be downloaded as a PDF file here.opens PDF file
The Borough was JUST notified by Republic Services that trash and recycling will be collected tomorrow, Friday, June 21st.
The Borough’s curbside trash and recycling collection will NOT be delayed and will be picked up as usual tomorrow (on Friday).
We apologize for the confusion this has caused.
On May 22nd, 2024 at their regularly scheduled public meeting Jenkintown Borough Council unanimously approved submitting a “Letter of Intent” to the Governor’s Center for Local Government Services a division of the Department of Community and Economic Development administering the ‘Peer Assistance Program’.
The “Letter of Intent” has now been submitted and requested assistance in areas of Police Management, Fire Services, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to include a ‘Police Cost Benefit Analysis’.
The Letter of Intent is available to download hereopens PDF file (PDF). Below is a letter from Jenkintown’s Borough Manager George Locke, explaining the Letter of Intent, which can also be downloaded hereopens PDF file (PDF).
Presented by the Jenkintown Recreation Board, the Jenkintown Summer Music Series is an annual series of free events in Town Square featuring live music. See below for a flyer listing all bands and acts booked for this year! This flyer can be downloaded/printed opens in a new windowright hereopens PDF file (PDF).