Category Archives: News

2020 Paving Project to Commence on May 25th

Jenkintown Borough would like to announce that the 2020 paving project is set to begin. This paving project includes the following roads: Vernon Road (Clement Road to Washington Lane), Homestead Road (Newbold to York Roads) and Hillside Avenue (Highland Avenue to Walnut Street).

The Borough’s paving Contractor, Joseph E. Sucher & Sons, Inc., is scheduled to begin the milling and paving operation on Tuesday May 25th. The paving project is expected to be completed by Friday May 28th. Joseph E. Sucher & Sons, Inc. will be posting no parking signs on Monday, May 24th, to notify residents of the upcoming milling and paving project process. Affected residents will also receive notification from the contractor prior to the commencement of the project. There will be continued communication and updates during this project that will include scheduling, parking, road restrictions and or closures if applicable during this operation. Read More »

Important Borough Information for the Month of May

Below is important information from the Borough regarding the Public Meeting Schedule, Administration & Police Department Clerical hours, as well as the Special Collections Schedule for the month of May:


At this time, the Borough will continue to livestream all scheduled public meetings including committee and Borough Council meetings on the Borough’s Facebook page for the safety and welfare of all participants. The Borough had begun the process to transition the livestreaming of all public meetings to the YouTube platform in lieu of the current Facebook application. This process has not moved forward due to the volume of hearings and meetings taking place at this time. Additional announcements on this platform migration will follow. A meeting schedule for the May 2021 meetings and a link to the websites meeting minutes/agendas has been provided below for your reference.
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Jenkintown Library Employment Opportunity

The Jenkintown Library is seeking a Library Director to plan, coordinate, administer and direct the operations of the Library, including but not limited to: recruiting, hiring, coaching and mentoring staff; leading all human resources functions; collection development; library automation and information technologies; facility and property maintenance and care; and fiscal management and oversight, in conformity with the mission, vision and policies established by the Jenkintown Library Board of Trustees and the regulations of the Commonwealth Libraries of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Library Code.

Interested applicants may send their resume and cover letter, including a statement of interest, to JKLBoard@mclinc.orgcreate new email.

For more information including a full job description, please see the flyer attached here.

Friends of Cedar Street Moretti Park

Please join us!  Thursday, April 29 6:00pm-7:30pm at the Gazebo in town square.  We will discuss Cedar Street Moretti Park, the Friends of Cedar Street Moretti Park and take a walk over to the park to check it out.  Please wear a mask.

What is a “Friends Group”?

Friends groups are community-based volunteer groups made up of at least one Bough Representative. These recognized Borough volunteer groups are established to support and advocate for the park. They are public community groups, where membership is open and accessible to all park users. Friends groups work in close partnership with public works staff, Borough staff, and Borough council to create a welcoming community green space and positive experiences with nature at the neighborhood level. Successful Friends groups also engage with residents, community organizations, and external partners to achieve these goals and serve as the “community voice” for the park. Typical Friends group activities include:

  • Park cleanup and beautification days
  • Fundraising events
  • Organizing recreational and educational programming
  • Advocating for park improvements
  • Publicizing important park issues

The value of Stewardship – why Friends groups exist

We believe Cedar Street Moretti Park will provide a significant aesthetic, environmental and social benefit to Jenkintown and committed citizens are imperative for the park’s success. Park Stewards, more commonly known as “Friends” groups, are essential to the health and vitality of community parks. Friends groups invest time and resources to create healthy and welcoming green spaces that connect neighbors, build community identity and provide positive experiences. Through service projects, fun events, and commitment, Friends groups enhance their community’s quality of life through their neighborhood park.

Peco Final Paving Restoration –  Road Closures

PECO completed the installation of the new gas mains in Jenkintown Borough on the Acceleration Gas Infrastructure Modernization Project (AGIMP) project.

PECO’s subcontractor Kehoe Construction, Inc., will return on Monday, April 12th at 7:00 AM to begin the final paving of the affected roads (Runnymede Avenue, Cheltena Avenue and Walnut Street)

Monday, April 12th, Runnymede Avenue (Myrtle to Cloverly) will be closed to through traffic so the roadway can be paved safely. The rest of the week, notifications will be made of the other affected roads that will be closed to through traffic so they too can be safely paved.

The subcontractor has informed all residents affected by this project and will post “NO PARKING” signs as scheduled.

Residents will continue to have access to their driveways but there will be limited access to driveways during paving process. If you do not reside on this road please take another route during these times to avoid disruption of your travels.

All affected roads will be paved from curb to curb the entire length except for Walnut Street which is a State Road. The paving restoration and final paving costs are considered part of this project and are covered by PECO.

If you have any further questions about this project please contact Kehoe Construction at 610-279-0126opens phone dialer or Jenkintown Borough Hall at 215-885-0700.  If you have an emergency dial 911.