Category Archives: News

9/11 Vigil Saturday September 11th

To commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Jenkintown Borough will observe a silent vigil at Jenkintown Town Square from 8:30 am to 10:30 am, Saturday, September 11, 2021. 

The vigil honors the memory of the firefighters, police, emergency medical personnel, and other first responders who lost lives and health during their efforts to protect and rescue others affected by the events of that day.

The vigil also acknowledges the long shadow that the 9/11 events continue to cast on the United States and the world.

After brief introductory remarks, the silent vigil will begin at 8:46 am, the time that American Airlines flight 11 was flown into the World Trade Center North Tower. The vigil will end at 10:28 am, the time of the collapse of the North Tower.

While this will be a silent vigil, participants who are moved to speak about the events of 9/11 in some way are encouraged to do so. However the purpose of the vigil is not to conduct discussion or conversation.

Estimate of Damage to Private Property

The Borough Emergency Management Team, which is led by Chief of Police DiValentino, adivalentino@jenkintownpd.orgcreate new email and Fire Marshal Lynch, klynch@jenkintownboro.comcreate new email , have been tasked with compiling an “Estimate of Damage to Private Property” and reporting that number to Montgomery County Emergency Management. This is a very important estimate as it ultimately affects many decisions by the County and State.

This estimate must be provided expeditiously so it can be counted in the report to the County. If your Private Property suffered any damage due to the Severe Storms that passed through the Borough yesterday (wind, water, structural, any…) please email that information to Chief DiValentino or Fire Marshal Lynch or call Borough hall and speak with one of them to add your property damage to the list. They will need your name, address, contact, estimate of damage and may need to make a follow up call for details.
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SEVERE STORMS are moving through the area. MOVE INDOORS NOW. Montgomery County has issued tornado warnings in certain areas with one being reported in Willow Grove and winds capable of producing a tornado as near as Plymouth Meeting. If you are inside, stay away from windows and officials say avoid large rooms like gyms and auditoriums. If outdoors, seek shelter immediately in a sturdy building. Do not trust smaller structures like sheds, tents or storage facilities.

The Borough Emergency Management Team met with the County and have coordinated efforts within the Borough. They have been meeting and monitoring the storm and planning for an appropriate storm response. Read More »


September Dates
Wednesday 1st, 7:00 PM – Environmental Advisory Committee (ZOOM/Livestream Facebook)
Wednesday 8th, 7:00 PM – Public Works / Public Safety Committees (ZOOM/Livestream Facebook)
Thursday 9th, 6:00 PM – Jenkintown Sunset 5K Run
Monday 13th, 6:00 PM – Design Review Board – 6:30 Planning Commission (ZOOM/Livestream Facebook)
Tuesday 14th, 7:00 PM – Administration & Finance / Building Zoning & Revitalization Committees (ZOOM/Livestream Facebook)
Sunday 19th, 1:00 PM – Jenkintown Festival of the Arts
Thursday 23rd, 7:00 PM – Borough Council Meeting – In Person at Borough Hall and ZOOM/Livestream Facebook. Masks must be worn and social distancing must be practiced inside Municipal building.
Sunday 26th, 1:00 PM – Butterfly Raise and Release at Town Square (Hosted by the EAC)
Monday 27th, 7:00 PM – Zoning Hearing Board – In Person at Borough Hall and ZOOM/Livestream FacebookCase – No. 391 – 93, 95, 97, 99 York Road; 409 Wyncote Road; 322 Washington Lane. Information regarding this hearing can be found on the Borough’s website at Zoning and Land Development Applications 
Masks must be worn and social distancing must be practiced inside Municipal building.
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Jenkintown Library: Dinner en Blanc et Noir

The Friends of the Jenkintown Library officially invite you to our second annual, pandemic-safe, Dinner en Blanc et Noir.  This will be an exciting and elegant evening as we abide by all social distancing recommendations to ensure that you have an unforgettable night with your friends and neighbors. Please see the bottom of this invite for our link to the Google Form to RSVP. The sooner you RSVP the better! Limited seating is available. We can’t wait to share a meal with you under the stairs at our beautiful library.

To see more information, please see the flyer here


Friends’ page: