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The 2024 Borough paving project contract has obtained all necessary PennDOT approvals. The Contractor, Glasgow, Inc., will begin work on Monday, November 11th.  The road being milled and paved under this contract will be Walnut Street from Washington Lane to Greenwood Avenue. $100,000 of this $147,777 project is being funded through the PA State allocated liquid fuel funds. 

The road will need to be free of vehicles so the milling and paving operation can take place unimpeded. All residences with driveways are asked to use your driveway for parking during this project. The Contractor will place No Parking Signs on the affected road. A door hanger notification will be hand delivered today to all affected properties. There will be Borough wide email blast updates such as this during the project.

Roadway milling operations are scheduled to take place Monday, November 11th with the paving of the roadway commencing immediately afterward on Tuesday, November 12th and Wednesday, November 13th. The Contractor intends to construct the traffic calming ‘speed cushions’ and install the thermoplastic crosswalks, stop bars and associated striping on Thursday, November 14th and Friday, November 15th.  

During the Milling operations there will be temporary and intermittent traffic delays, the road can be traveled on once milled although extra care should be taken due to the uneven surfaces and possibility of loose material. 

On the day(s) that the paving material is being applied the road being paved will be closed to traffic until the paving material can be properly applied and it is able to cool to a temperature safe for vehicular traffic.  Once the temperature is confirmed safe for travel by the Borough Engineer the road will be reopened to traffic. 

Thank you for your patience and continued cooperation while this important project is completed. If you have any questions, or need to make any special accommodations, please call Borough Hall, at 215-885-0700.

Community Meeting, Wednesday, November 13th 7:00 PM. Borough Hall – DCED

Borough Council will host a special community meeting for a presentation by the Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED) of the Police Cost to Benefit Analysis. This meeting has been publicly advertised for Wednesday, November 13th, 2024, 7:00 PM.

The presentation will take place in person at Jenkintown Borough Hall, 700 Summit Avenue Jenkintown, PA 19046. As are all Borough Public meetings this meeting will have a ZOOM link available should you be unable to attend in person. The ZOOM meeting link can be requested by emailing the Borough Manager at   opens in a new windowGlocke@jenkintownboro.comcreate new email  Public meetings can also be viewed over Live Feed on the Borough Facebook page.

All interested parties are encouraged to attend this presentation of the “Police Cost to Benefit Analysis” performed by the DCED at the Borough’s request. The Cost Benefit Analysis report will be available prior to the meeting and will be posted to the Borough’s website and Facebook page.

If you have any questions concerning this meeting please feel free to email the Borough Manager or call Borough Hall at 215-885-0700.

Upcoming Borough Meetings and Important Dates

  • Thursday November 7th, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM – Community Meeting Parking Management / Permits
  • Monday November 11th– Veterans Day – Borough Hall Closed
  • Monday, November 11th thru Friday, November 15th – 2024 Borough Paving Project,  Walnut Street (Washington to Greenwood)
  • Wednesday, November 13th, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Fire Commission Meeting
  • Wednesday, November 13th, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM – DCED Presentation, JPD Cost to Benefit Analysis
  • Tuesday, November 19th, 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM – Design Review Board (If needed)
  • Tuesday, November 19th, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM – Planning Commission Meeting
  • Wednesday, November 20th, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Public Budget Workshop (4th)
  • Wednesday, November 20th, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM – Committee / Workshop Meeting
  • Thursday, November 21st, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM – Zoning Hearing Board (If needed)
  • Monday, November 25th, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Public Budget Workshop (5th)
  • Monday, November 25th, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM – Borough Council Meeting, Conditional Use Hearing

All of the above listed meetings will take place in person at Borough Hall. A ZOOM invite can be requested for any meeting by sending an email request to the Borough Manager at  opens in a new windowglocke@jenkintownboro.comcreate new email. The meetings can also be viewed over Livefeed on the Borough Facebook page.

If you have any questions or require special assistance, please call Borough Hall at 215-885-0700.

ParkMobile digitized parking payments

Jenkintown Borough is transitioning from coin-operated parking meters and kiosks to a digitized payment system. This transition will begin in November and will be completed by year end 2024. There will be no fee to park Mon. through Fri. after 6:00 PM and all times on Sundays year-round in all Borough owned parking lots and previously metered parking spaces. This will not change the annual ‘Holiday Parking’ with the addition of free parking on Saturdays beginning on Thanksgiving and going through the New Year Holiday. Several 20-minute street parking spaces have/will be designated on West Avenue, Leedom Street and Summit Avenue for quick/easy access to businesses without a parking fee. The 20-minute parking spaces will also serve as unloading spaces when needed for business deliveries, improving safety and reducing traffic congestion.

ParkMobile, who has provided this digitized service to the Borough since 2018 as a payment option, will be the vendor providing all parking payment options at all formerly metered spaces and kiosks throughout the Borough.

ParkMobile allows users to pay for parking via their smartphone application, web browser, text, or through calling a phone number. Information on how to use ParkMobile’s payment options in Borough’s paid parking areas can be found on the ParkMobile information page on Borough website.

After careful review of available factors, Borough Council approved transition from coin operated meters to the digitized system at their September 17th, 2024, meeting. Transition from kiosks to the digitized system was approved by Borough Council at their October 16th, 2024, meeting. To that end logistical transition planning including installation of signage, striping, determining applicability designation and development of a means to disseminate information electronically has taken place or is ongoing.

A “Transition to ParkMobile” informational flyer that is being distributed to residents, business and property owners opens in a new windowcan be viewed here.

New Parking Enforcement hours are 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

If you have any questions or require assistance call Borough Hall at (215) 885-0700 and we will connect you with our Parking Enforcement Professionals who will assist anyone who is in need of assistance with this transition to digitized payment.

Jenkintown Borough to receive $800,000 for facility improvements at Borough Hall

On Thursday, October 24th the Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED), Deputy Secretary of Business Finance and Executive Director of the Commonwealth Finance Authority (CFA), Mandy L. Book issued notification of the successful grant applications and awards. Jenkintown Borough’s facility improvement grant application had been approved for $800,000. It is of importance to note that this funding opportunity requires no local matching funds.

The Jenkintown Borough Hall / Police Department building at 700 Summit Avenue and Public Works building at 708 Summit Avenue are slated to receive improvements through this funding. The improvements will bring the facilities into current ADA compliance, replacement of the windows, doors and lighting systems will make the building healthier, more energy efficient and less costly to sustain. Interior spaces will be re-configured and will receive new commercial grade fixtures and finishes.

Strong support and assistance through local State Offices is essential for the success of an application for a Statewide grant opportunity. This grant award would not have been possible without the continually strong support of State Senator Art Haywood and State Representative Napoleon Nelson and assistance of their very capable staff, both Elected Officials work tirelessly for/with the Borough to bring funding back to Jenkintown Borough for vital projects.

The Grant award funds originate from the Statewide Local Share Account, which comes from the PA Racehorse Development and Gaming Act. The act provides for the distribution of gaming revenues through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) to support projects in public interest within Pennsylvania. This round of funding for the LSA Statewide Program was very competitive and the demand far exceeded the available funds. The Commonwealth Finance Authority (CFA) received eligible grant requests totaling nearly $1.3 billion for approximately $346 million that was available.