His executive order allows voters to return their ballots to locations determined by the county election board by 8 p.m. next Tuesday, June 9. Read More »
The 2020 Census is underway, and households across the United States are responding every day. By now, you likely have received multiple mailings from the U.S. Census Bureau, including an invitation to respond to the 2020 Census and follow-up postcards and letters.
Installation of New Gas Mains The Borough has been notified by PECO’s subcontractor, Henkels & McCoy, that the Accelerated Gas Infrastructure Modernization Project (AGIMP) will continue Monday, June 1st. Walnut Street between Cheltena and West Avenues will have temporary lane closures for approximately one week beginning Monday, June 1st from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM to allow for the installation of new gas mains to be safely completed in this area. Flaggers will be on site to assist with traffic control due to temporary lane closures. Residents will continue to have access to their properties during this process.If you do not reside on this road please take another route during these times to avoid disruption of your travels.
We are encouraging constituents to drop-off their completed ballots at these secure locations instead of placing them in the mail. Completed ballots must be placed in the drop-off boxes by the time the polls close at 8pm on Election Day, Tuesday, June 2, 2020. The Montgomery County Election Board will be considering a plan to add additional ballot box drop-off locations for Primary Election Day only.
Find Your New Consolidated Polling Location
Your polling place may have changed! Due to the coronavirus pandemic, voters may not be voting at their regular polling location. If you do plan to vote in person, please check your polling location by visiting opens in a new windowmontcopa.org/voterservices and clicking on “Where Do I Vote” or by clicking on the image above.
COVID 19 Update: May 29, 2020 News, Community Resources and Reminders
Jenkintown Borough continues to update the opens in a new windowBorough website with the latest COVID-19 information and community resources that have been provided by County, State and Federal agencies.
The latest news, community resources and reminders are shared in the links below, including a public message from State Representative Steve McCarter with tips on how we can continue to help prevent a resurgence of the deadly coranavirus, pandemic unemployment guidance and more. Read More »