Jenkintown Environmental Advisory Committee Special Events

Special “Informative Events” Hosted By Jenkintown’s Environmental Advisory Committee, Tuesday at The Summer Music Series
On Tuesday evenings during the Jenkintown Rec Board Summer Music Series on the Town Square, the Jenkintown Environmental Advisory Committee (JEAC) will have a table set up to offer advice and information on a variety of topics that are CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS to many people.
Tuesday, July 2 at 6:30 join the JEAC as they explore the subject of how to obtain a free shade tree in the Borough and also learn what you can do to eliminate the dreaded Spotted Lanternfly.

For the next several Tuesday nights at 6:30 pm the JEAC will host the following Special events:

July 9- Learning about bike trails/ and waterways with Ryan Neuman of Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed partnership (TTF)

July 16- Appreciating songbirds

July 23- Guide to using organic bug and weed killers presented by Judith Gratz

July 30- Two great exhibits:
1. Nicholas Valdes Ph.D. Candidate -Department of materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Energy Conversion University of Delaware – will present solar powered technology. The Institute of Energy Conversion (IEC), located at the University of Delaware is the oldest solar energy research institute in the world.] It was established by Karl Boer in 1972 to pioneer research on thin film solar cells. The IEC performs independent research and collaborates with businesses alongside training undergraduate and graduate students in solar cell engineering. In 2011, the organization was the highest recipient of the United States Department of Energy’s (DOE) SunShot Initiative and was awarded five grants totaling $9.1 million to research next generation solar cells to reduce the cost of solar cells by 75 percent by the end of the decade. To learn more about the Institute of Energy Conversion go to
2. All about native plants for the home garden with Diane Ehrich of Collins Native Nursery

August 6- Beekeeping and supporting bees and other pollinators with horticulturist, Anne Brennan from Temple Ambler and Vince Aloyo, from the Montgomery County Beekeepers’ Assoc.

August 13- Friends of Cedar Street Park

August 20- Why bats are our best friends

August 27- Two great exhibits on Climate Change.
1. PDC of Warminster, PA will demonstrate a hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicle (FCV) at the Pioneer Fire Company #1, 700 Greenwood Ave. Only 4 gallons of water is used to generate enough hydrogen for this vehicle to drive 360 miles.  And the only emissions from the tail pipe is water.  FCV’s are an important part of the solution to helping states and localities meet greenhouse gas targets.  FCV’s reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% compared to gasoline internal combustion vehicles. FCV’s and hydrogen fuel are as safe, if not safer than conventional gasoline vehicles and meet the strictest safety and quality standards.  So, please stop by and check out the car.  There are currently forty public retail stations open in California, supporting nearly 7,000 zero-emission FCVs and growing each month. In the Northeast, industry has stepped up to fully privately fund an initial network of 12 hydrogen stations to support an early market between the New York City and Boston metropolitan areas. The fuel cell and hydrogen transportation industry is much broader than just light-duty passenger vehicles.  Across the United States there are dozens of fuel cell buses in operation, early demonstrations of medium and heavy-duty fuel cell-powered trucks are underway, and thousands of fuel cell forklifts are already in use today at warehouses and distribution facilities.  * A consortium team of technology innovators comprised of Warminster, PA based PDC Machines, Ivys Energy Solutions and McPhy North America (both of MA) who make up SimplefuelTM were awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fuel Cell Technologies Office and the Hydrogen Education Foundation as the winner of the $1 million H2 Refuel HPrize contest.

  1. Response to climate change / renewable energy transition with Adrienne Redd and Marc Brier

Stop out and enjoy a Tuesday evening of fun, education, music and food with your neighbors and others who care about the environment.