No Parking for Utility Pole Removal on the 400 Block of Cedar St

The utility pole replacement project has recommenced. The project was severely delayed by contract disputes and labor strikes within the Public Utilities. The responsibilities have been ironed out and  agreed upon. The Borough has been provided contact information for Verizon, PECO and Comcast to assist in completing this project. To date. there has been approximately 100 poles removed and replaced in the Borough on this project.

Verizon is now replacing communication wires and removing poles. To perform the work safely, there will need to be no parking on the even side of the 400 block of Cedar Street tomorrow, October 5th, from 7AM until 4PM. Signs have been placed in the area indicating the areas of “No Parking”
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Borough of Jenkintown Launches Financial Dashboard

In Partnership with ClearGov, Jenkintown Brings Clarity to Local Government Finances

JENKINTOWN, PA (September 26, 2017)  – The Borough of Jenkintown announced today that it has partnered with ClearGov, a leading fiscal clarity and benchmarking platform for municipalities, to launch an infographic-based financial dashboard.

This new tool provides taxpayers an easy-to-understand, visual breakdown of Jenkintown’s finances, as well as insights into the Borough’s demographics. The site also informs visitors how each budget item compares to neighboring communities.

Jenkintown is part of a growing movement of municipalities that are taking financial clarity to a new level with ClearGov. ClearGov provides basic profiles on every municipality in the country but Jenkintown is the very first community in Pennsylvania to create their customized financial dashboard on the platform. Jenkintown has added detailed revenue and expenditure breakdowns of its General Fund data, as well as Debt and Reserve Funds. Read More »

Residential Use & Occupancy Certification

Jenkintown Borough passed Ordinance #2017-5, on May 27th, 2017 pertaining to Residential Use & Occupancy Certification. This Ordinance was approved to continue to maintain public safety as well as lessen the impact on the environment by reviewing the integrity of the private sewer lateral.

This inspection will take place at the time of the sale of a residential property. The Residential Use & Occupancy Inspection encompasses four areas of compliance; a notarized affidavit of smoke detectors, curb and sidewalk compliance, 4 inch property address (numbering) and a videotaping of the sewer lateral at the property, from the house to the main. Any defects observed in these four areas would need to be resolved prior to the issuance of the permanent Use & Occupancy Certificate. Read More »