Steering Wheel Lock Program

Wednesday, February 1st, 2023. 7:00 PM – Environmental Action Committee
virtual via ZOOM platform, livestream Facebook.
Wednesday, February 8th, 2023. 7:00 PM – Fire Commission Meeting
virtual via ZOOM platform, livestream Facebook.
Wednesday, February 15th, 2023. 7:00 PM – Public Committees Workshop Meeting
In person at Borough Hall and virtual via ZOOM platform, livestream Facebook. Order of Business to include: Presentation Rebecca Swanson, Executive Director Montgomery County Redevelopment Authority on RACP Grant Funding and Conditions created by the required cooperation agreement when Grant is filed by others. This Public Workshop Meeting includes the Administration & Finance, Building, Zoning & Revitalization, Public Safety and Public Works Committees and will include orders of business that may be brought forward to these Committees. The meeting agenda will be posted here on the Borough website no less then 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Borough Hall will be Closed on Monday, February 20th in Observance of President’s Day – Borough Hall will re-open for Administrative Business Tuesday, February 21st, at 9:00 AM.
Tuesday, February 21st, 2022. 6:30 PM – Planning Commission Meeting virtual via ZOOM platform, livestream Facebook.
Order of Business to include: Presentation 101 York Road – Minor Land Development Application to Borough Council – Proposed Oil Change Business to move in to former Glanzmann Service Center building/property at 101 York Road. SALDO & Zoning Code reviews and other orders of business that may be brought forward. The meeting agenda will be posted here on the Borough website no less then 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Wednesday, February 22th, 2023. 7:00 PM – Borough Council Hearing / Meeting
In person at Borough Hall and virtual via ZOOM platform, livestream Facebook.
Order of Business to include: Public Hearing before Borough Council to consider the legal adoption of the Subdivision Land Development Ordinance (SALDO). The Hearing was required to be advertised twice in a newspaper of general circulation, those dates are/were February 7th and 14th. The SALDO re-write was a huge undertaking by the Planning Commission and was than reviewed by the County Planning Commission, Borough Engineer, Borough Solicitor, Borough Zoning Officer and presented before Council at the Building, Zoning & Revitalization Committee. The Document is approximately 77 pages long and is available for Public Inspection at Borough Hall and at the County Law Library. It had not be revised in over fifty years and was in need of this comprehensive update of the rules & regulations governing development and improvements to properties falling under the definition of Sub-Division Land Development within the Borough. The review and re-write process of the Borough SALDO has been a two year process. This Public Hearing is an Official Court Hearing and it allows for Public Comment during this process for consideration of approval. Meeting to include: Resolution of support to submit Montco 2040 grant application for RT 611 / York Road – Safety Plan and will include other orders of business that may be brought forward. The meeting agenda will be posted here on the Borough website no less then 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Monday, February 27th, 2023. 7:00 PM – Zoning Hearing Board – In person at Borough Hall and virtual via ZOOM platform, livestream Facebook. (Hearing – Continuance from Thursday, January 26th)
415/425 Johnson Street – Seeking relief before ZHB. Read More »
Residential Permit Parking Passes are available for 2023! Any one of the following documents is acceptable, but required, to apply for one:
1.) current vehicle registrations OR
2.) proof of residence: driver’s license, utility bill, or copy of your lease.
Residents on permit parking streets now have the ability to pick up at the Police Station temporary parking passes for visitors. These will have a 72 hour limit and MUST be picked up at the station by the resident, not the visitor. The residents who need these MUST have current permits for their own vehicles.
The cost for a Residential Permit Parking Passes is $20 per vehicle.
Monthly Parking Passes are available for the following limited areas: the 10 hour metered spots along the 200 blk. of Leedom Street (from Greenwood Ave. to Summit Ave.), 600 blk. Greenwood Ave. (Cedar St. to Leedom St.), 900 blk. West Ave. (Vernon to Cottman St), Hillside Ave (York -Johnson St), 100 blk. Of West Ave. (near Jenkintown Train Station.) This pass also allows parking in the 4-hour and 10-hour parking spots in the Greenwood Lot spaces NUMBERED 50 THROUGH 66.
Costs for Montly Parking Passes per vehicle are:
A full year = $660 (one month free!)
Six months = $330 (one month free!)
Monthly = $60.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Shauna Rivera (Clerk with the Jenkintown Police Department) at (215) 884-1202 or srivera@jenkintownpd.org.create new email
“In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at Salem Baptist Church of Jenkintown. According to The Philadelphia Tribune, the service itinerary included the benediction’s civil rights song, ‘We Shall Overcome,’ and King’s sermon delivered a call for determination to end injustice throughout the world through non-violent direct action against discrimination and bigotry.”
Read more in opens in a new window this article published by Glenside Local.
“The Jenkintown Police Department announced that it and other law enforcement partners will be conducting a site survey at the Jenkintown schools’ campus on the afternoon of January 11 for an upcoming training exercise.”
Read more in opens in a new windowthis article published by Glenside Local.