Environmental Advisory Committee

New pollinator garden at Vernon Road and Vista Road. The landscape plans were created by Anne Brennan.


The Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) was created in 1973The EAC’s mission is to promote responsible environmental stewardship and sustainable practices within the Borough of Jenkintown in order to enhance the quality of life and to benefit generations to come.


  • Judith Levicoff (2024)
  • Maureen Lucak (2025)
  • Mary Mertens (2025)
  • Jennifer Poole-Pendergrass (2025)*
  • Mimi Satterthwaite (2025)
  • Suzanne Hunter (2025)

Borough Council appoints three to seven full members of the EAC. Whenever possible, membership on the EAC includes one person who is also a member of the Borough Planning Commission and at least one member with expertise in environmental education*, planning or science. Full members of the EAC are appointed for staggering three-year terms.

All residents are encouraged to join in the collaboration by emailing the EAC at ContactJEAC@gmail.comcreate new email, or by contacting our Borough Manager, George Locke, at glocke@jenkintownboro.comcreate new email.


 Meetings and Minutes

The EAC holds monthly meetings currently via ZOOM, and keeps records of its meetings, activities, and other correspondence electronically at Google Documents. Meeting minutes are also provided at meetings in hard copy on request. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month.


2025 Events

April 8: opens in a new windowTree Care 101
April 27: Block by Block
May 13: opens in a new windowFlower Gardening in Small Spaces
June, July, August & September: Tuesday Night Market, 4:30-6:00 p.m. on 2nd Tuesday, 6/10, 7/8, 8/12, & 9/9
September 28: Sustainability Fair and Monarch Butterfly Celebration
TBD: Using Art to Create Clean Water Awareness


Pollinator and Native Plants

opens in a new windowButterfly-Attracting.pdf (primexgardencenter.com)
opens in a new windowHummingbird Attracting (primexgardencenter.com)opens PDF file
opens in a new windowThe Top 10 Native Plant Species You Need in Your Garden – Primex Garden Center
opens in a new windowThe Best Trees For Your Pennsylvania Landscape – Primex Garden Center

These resources listed above are made available to us courtesy of Primex Garden Center.

opens in a new windowNative Garden Template from Pennsylvania DCNR
opens in a new windowNative Plants Guide from Pennsylvania DCNR
opens in a new windowPennsylvania Native Plants for the Perennial Garden (psu.edu)


Lawns, Landscapes and Alternatives to Grass Lawns

opens in a new windowNeighborly Natural Landscaping in Residential Areas from PennState Extension
opens in a new windowLawn Conversion from DCNR and lawn mowing calculator, opens in a new windowLawn mowing calculator
opens in a new windowLawn Conversion (pa.gov)
opens in a new windowWhat to know about clover


Bird Town Pennsylvania

Bird Town Pennsylvania Logo

Jenkintown is a member of Bird Town Pennsylvania, an
organization that encourages local environmental stewardship to
sustain a healthy environment for birds, other wildlife, and
community residents. For more information about Bird Town Pennsylvania and to sign up for their newsletter, please opens in a new windowvisit their website.

opens in a new windowAmerican Bird Conservatory Bird Library: learn about bird species and conservation
issues facing birds. This site includes information on how to prevent birds from colliding with glass
doors and windows.

Read about how to protect birds from cats here: Protecting Birds from Cats – Bird Town Pennsylvania

Additional resources regarding threats to birds can be found on the opens in a new windowBird Town Pennsylvania website under the Resources Tab.

Rats, rodenticides and birds; below are some alternative measures:
Raptors are the Solution website
Safe Rodent Control


Recycling and Carbon Footprint Calculator


Detailed information about recycling in Jenkintown can be found on the Public Works page.

Calculate your carbon footprint here: opens in a new windowCarbon Footprint Calculator


Leaf Blowers – Sources On Their Environmental Impact


opens in a new windowNational Emissions from Lawn and Garden Equipment
opens in a new windowThe War on Leaf Blowers: Why Some Communities Are Up in Arms Over the Loud Lawn Tools


Road Salt Fact Sheet


opens in a new windowView the Road Salt Fact Sheet resource on Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed’s website.


Latest News


November/December 2024

On November 8 and December 7, Intergenerational Birding Workshops were held, once in November and once in December.   These workshops are offered in collaboration with the Jenkintown Library and held at the Library. Twelve people attended the November Workshop.  

October 2024

On October 8 Herbs: In Pots and the Landscape, a Sustainable You Class, was held.  It was led by Master Gardener, Leigh Kaiser, held at Borough Hall and on Zoom; and attended by ten people

September 2024

On September 29, we held our annual Monarch Butterfly Celebration and Sustainability Fair.  Over 100 people enjoyed this fair.  We had ten tables with vendors/educators sharing information about Monarch Butterflies and Sustainable Practices.  Kids and adults learned about monarch butterflies, their life cycle and migration patterns as well as sustainable practices to help us all enjoy and protect planet earth.   

A display table set up at the fair A Bird Town PA booth at the fair

A crowd enjoying the fair  A crowd enjoying the fair

A crowd enjoying the fair           

Summer 2024

June, July, August, and September (6/11, 7/9, 8/13, and 9/10)
2nd Tuesday, 4:00-6:00 p.m. at Jenkintown Night Market

On four Tuesdays, JEAC members offered an opportunity for Night Market attendees to learn about JEAC activities and Bird Town PA activities.  This year was not as successful as last year.  The Night Market shifted the performers start time to an earlier time, and this impacted our ability to connect with community members.

A Bird Town PA booth
Beautiful artwork on display

April/May 2024

May 7 Start a Vegetable Garden: Sustainable You Class.  Led by Boris Kerzner, owner of Grow Our Food, LLC, held at Borough Hall and on Zoom; attended by fifteen people.

April 28 Block by Block: Partnership with Jenkintown School District/HSA Sustainability Committee.  We met at the Gazebo in Town Square and had twelve people participate this year.  The Kiwanis are always a big help.

Happy attendees
More happy attendees

April 9 Pollinator Pals: Sustainable You Class. Led by Master Gardener, Leigh Kaiser, held at Borough Hall and on Zoom; attended by twelve people.

November 2023 

On November 18 we celebrated the installation of the Shade Structure in Cedar Street Moretti Park. In attendance were Council Members, Public Works, Scouts BSA Troop 201, Cub Pack 210 and their associated adult Community Volunteers! A huge thank you to everyone involved in this Community Project!

October 2023

On October 1 we held our Annual Monarch Butterfly Celebration and Sustainability Fair. Approximately 100 people stopped by the tables and learned about monarch butterflies, birding, chickens, composting, recycling, electric bikes and bike trails. Thanks to Primex for donating seed packets! Thanks also to Back to Earth Composting, the Jenkintown School Sustainability Committee, Jenkintown Abington Neighbors Association, and to Anne
MacHaffie who brought and demonstrated her electric bicycle. Thank you also to Lucy Sharp Malone and Phil Witmer for staffing the PA Bird Town table, Vicky DiCamillo for talking about and bringing her backyard chickens. Special thanks to Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed (TTF) for providing literature and free tumblers.

Brochure graphic for the 2023 Monarch Butterfly Celebration and Sustainability Fair.

On October 15 we completed labeling all storm drains in the Borough.

Storm drain labeling being completed A labeled storm drain


September 2023

On September 10 Volunteer and Jenkintown resident, Lucy Malone, led a group of ten people in an introductory class to Nature Journaling. Participants learned foundational steps to starting a nature journal.

Brochure graphic for the 2023 Nature Journaling event.

August 2023

Birding Workshop was help on August 14 at Cedar Street Moretti Park.  Volunteer and Jenkintown resident, Linda McGrath, led this workshop for children accompanied by an adult.  Each participant came away with an activity card offering the opportunity to record
birds seen around Jenkintown.

Brochure graphic for the 2023 Birding Workshop.

July 2023

On Wednesday, July 19, Bird Town Signs and a Certificate were presented by Heidi Shiver, Bird Town Pennsylvania, President, to Jenkintown Borough at a Borough Workshop Committee meeting. Leigh Altadonna, President, Wyncote Audubon Society was also present. Maureen Lucak and Mimi Satterthwaite, JEAC Members, attended the event.

Bird Town signs and certificate being presented at Borough Hall.

JEAC members staff a table at the Tuesday Night Market in Town Square.
Information about up-coming events is shared and small item recyclables are collected.
April 2023

JEAC partnered with the Home and School Association at two events.  We staffed a table at the Earth Day event at the school on April 21 where we shared information about butterflies.  On April 23 we cleaned up the Borough at the second annual Block by Block cleanup day.

December 2022

JEAC installed recycling bins for broken string lights just outside the entrance to Borough Hall.  Please recycle your broken string lights here; the bins are checked regularly and, when full, taken to a scrap yard and recycled.  More on this topic can be found on opens in a new windowMontgomery County’s website.

Recycle broken string lights at Borough Hall. The bin is located outside Borough Hall on Summit Ave.

September 2022

JEAC’s September 24, 2022 Butterfly Tag/Seed Share Community event culminated with the festive release of 20 Monarch butterflies.  opens in a new windowTake a look here!

Each butterfly began life August 25, as an egg deposited by its mother on a Milkweed leaf. Four weeks later, through the magic of metamorphosis, they were ready to spread their wings for flight. A pre numbered self-adhesive tag carefully placed on the underside wing of the butterfly will help taggers follow the migration of the Monarchs to the mountains of Mexico.

Learn more about Monarch watch at opens in a new windowhttps://monarchwatch.org.

Monach butterflies getting ready to be released.

A tagged monarch butterfly.

August 2022

In 2021, a resident, Louisa Terry Garrido, approached the JEAC about installing a pollinator garden on the traffic island at Vernon and Vista Roads.  On behalf of JEAC, Anne Brennan, resident, and Research Technician at Temple University and owner of a consulting business, Ground Truth Landscape Studies LLC., prepared plans and plant selections for the island.  The plans were approved in March of 2022 and work on preparing the island for new plantings could begin.  JPW Crew removed a dying tree and shrubs.   In late May, JEAC members and neighbors, with direction from Anne Brennan, began clearing the grass, preparing the dirt and planting 270 plants. Community involvement at its best! (See photos below.)

By mid-June of 2022, we completed the pollinator garden. This amazing work would not have been possible without the help of neighbors, Anne Brennan, and the Borough of Jenkintown.  Then we watched, watered, and waited and by July, the blossoms appeared!

Why a pollinator garden? The pollinator garden is intended to restore habitats for bees, butterflies, and birds and, as a result, support and maintain the ecosystem.

The plants in the traffic island were chosen to appeal to people as well as to the native bees and butterflies. A high-visibility site like this one called for a more garden-like design as opposed to, say, a mini-meadow that can look weedy at certain times of year.

A site, such as a traffic island, completely surrounded by pavement requires plant species that can tolerate full sun, drought, and even some road salt as time goes by. Integrating a few tough non-native pollinator plants like catmint (Nepeta sp.) and bluebeard (Caryopteris sp.) alongside the native coneflowers, asters, and grasses provides dependable color and structure in difficult conditions.

See more photos below.

Be sure to like and follow the EAC on Facebook at Green Jenkintown for all the latest news and upcoming events and sign up for Borough emails on the upper right of this page. We welcome any and all participation from our residents.


More Information

More information about the EAC can be found in this section of the online Ecode (Jenkintown Borough Online Code):

opens in a new windowhttp://ecode360.com/15139915

Green Jenkintown – Quality of Life, Sustainability, Community.

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