Below are helpful answers to some of the most popular questions Borough Hall receives from residents. Residents are encouraged to share this information, as well as contact us with suggestions to add to this FAQ.
How do I report a concern to Public Works?
How do I recycle?
How do I discard bulk items/white goods?
How do I discard yard waste?
How do I obtain a permit?
How do I find out where to vote?
How do I find out if an address is in the Borough?
How do I begin a business in the Borough?
How do I obtain a Business License?
How do I report a concern to Public Works?
Residents are highly encouraged to immediately report concerns to Public Works, including street lights/traffic lights out, litter, downed branches, potholes, etc. Residents may do so by using our opens in a new windowonline form here, or by calling or visiting Borough Hall.
How do I recycle in Jenkintown?
Jenkintown Borough uses single stream recycling. Recyclables are collected every Friday at curbside. Items should be placed at the curb before 6:00 AM.
Jenkintown Borough distributes recycling stickers that residents can use on any container to designate the recycling bins versus trash bins. Residents are welcome to pick them up at their convenience at Borough Hall.

Acceptable items include: plastics #1-7 (excluding 3 and 6), aluminum & metal cans, office paper, junk mail, newspaper, glass bottles and jars, and cardboard. The following items are NOT allowed: plastic bags, scrap metal, window panes or mirrors, ceramics, hazardous waste, electronic waste, food waste, waxed paper, Styrofoam, PVC, or yard waste.
How do I discard bulk items/white goods?
The Public Works Department offers a special collection every Tuesday, with the exception of Holidays. A maximum of four items can be collected per residence with a fee that varies depending upon the items that are collected. The fee is non-refundable, and only those items that are on the list will be collected. Payment for a special collection must be made no later than 3:00 PM the Monday before the collection. Call or visit Borough Hall at your convenience for more information.
Hazardous waste collections are held by Montgomery County. For further information, visit this page on the Montgomery County website (opens a new window):
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How do I discard yard waste?
The Public Works Department collects yard waste every Tuesday throughout the year.
Branches should be shorter than 4 feet in length and smaller than 4 inches in diameter. The yard waste should be bundled or in biodegradable bags to ensure pickup. Bags are available at Borough Hall, for just $2.00 for 5 bags.
Additional pickups are added in the Fall for the additional leaf collections. The schedule is posted every year as it becomes available on this page:
opens in a new windowLeaf Collection Schedule
How do I find out where to vote?
opens in a new windowThe Ward Map and voting locations are here.
How do I obtain a permit?
Permit applications can be obtained at Borough Hall or on the Codes, Forms and Permits page. Applications can be submitted in person at Borough Hall or via mail at 700 Summit Avenue. No application will be accepted without proof of insurance, the permit fee, and any necessary plans and specifications. Please see the detailed Borough Policies on this website on the Code Enforcement page for further information.
How do I find out if an address is in the Borough?
To find out if a particular address is in the borough, you can access the Montgomery County Property Records by visiting opens in a new (opens a new window), or by contacting us at Borough Hall.
How do I begin a business in the Borough?
In order to operated a business or rental property in the Borough, one must first complete a Zoning and Use Permit Application, which can be obtained at Borough Hall or on the opens in a new windowCodes, Forms and Permits page. There is a $50.00 application fee. If the Zoning and Use Permit Application is approved, you may begin the process of opening your business.
How do I obtain a Business License?
The Borough requires a Business License when a business receives its approved Zoning and Use Permit. Berkheimer issues the license, and also collects the Business Privilege Taxes and Mercantile Taxes for the Borough.
To download Berkheimer’s Business Privilege Tax Forms, visit this page (opens a new window):
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