Grants Completed / Closed Out

• 2019 PECO Green Region Grant (Amount Awarded $7,500)

This is a PECO “Open Space” grant.  PECO awarded a total of $150,000 in funding to 20 Local Municipalities and Nonprofits through the PECO Green Region Program.  This Grant award is to be used towards a five-foot-wide, porous paved ADA Accessible walking path that will welcome visitors into the park, meandering throughout the pocket park, providing access and allowing all to enjoy the exciting natural features the park will offer.

2019 MONTCO 2040 Implementation Grant (Amount Awarded $99,850)

Site demolition & Construction of the Cedar Street Park. The Engineered park plans made possible through the PECO Green Region Grant were used for this submittal. The successful application was due in part to community input, public participation in the process, the quality/detail of the engineered plans, the sustainable nature of the planned plantings and the long-term landscape/property management plan outlined for the completed park and consistency with the Jenkintown Borough 2035 Comprehensive Plan and the 2040 MONTCO Comprehensive Plan. Funding will be used to provide the required Borough match for the 2019 DCNR C2P2 Grant OR 2019 DCED GTRP Grant should either of these state construction grants be awarded. If neither state grant is awarded, grant funds will be utilized to perform Phase 1 construction of the pocket park, which includes; demolition, grading, perimeter fencing, previous walkway, onsite parking stalls, rain garden, utilities and storm water facilities; putting in place a pocket park that will be utilized while grant funding is sought for the completion of construction activities.

2019 DCED Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program Grant (Amount Awarded $75,000)

This funding was provided through The Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) for the construction of the planned Cedar Street Moretti Park.  This pocket park, coming to your Cedar Street neighborhood in 2020, was a goal of creating new open space by re-purposing existing, underutilized spaces within the borough in compliance with Recommendation NP10 of the Jenkintown 2035 Comprehensive plan.    The park will include a porous paving walking path, play area, rain garden, butterfly meadow, storage shed and ADA parking.  Additional improvements include stormwater management and several ecological functions.

• 2019 DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Program Grant (Amount Awarded $139,200)

On November 14, 2019, PA Governor Thomas Wolf announced this PA State Grant awarded to Jenkintown Borough on behalf of PA Senator Art Haywood and State Representative Steve McCarter via the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) for the development of the Cedar Street Moretti Park project.  The 2019 Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grant fosters and provides funding for Community Parks, Small Community & Partnerships.  Work will include construction of a pedestrian walkway and parking area; installation of a rain garden, butterfly meadow, nature play equipment with required safety surfacing; ADA access, landscaping, project sign and other related site improvements. The Engineered Park Plans were designed and assembled by combining public input from all stakeholders through public meetings, Community Volunteers, Design Professionals from Montgomery County, the Borough Engineer, members of Borough Council and were funded in part by the 2017 PECO Green Region Grant. Construction of the park project is scheduled to be publicly bid in early 2020, with construction of the park to immediately follow the completion of all necessary contracts and document signings.

• 2018 PA Small Water Grant (Amount Awarded $390,784)

Jenkintown Borough was awarded the entire amount requested of $390,784 which will fund the work required on the West Avenue sanitary sewer drainage basin. The Borough required funding match is 15%. There are three (3) sanitary sewage drainage basins in the Borough. You may recall the 2017 Small Water Grant that was awarded funded the work required on the Runnymede Avenue drainage basin. The remaining Wyncote House drainage basin will be applied for in the next round of funding grants.

• 2018 RDA Environmental Contamination Evaluation (Amount Awarded $6,400)

This funding was made possible through the Redevelopment Authority of Montgomery County and fully funded the structure/site inspection and evaluation as well as updating the Phase 1 Inspection performed during purchase of the property. This contamination evaluation was performed to determine if there is any lead, asbestos or petroleum contamination that may require remediation. A full report detailing all materials considered as a contaminant was provided and has been included in the bid specifications for the remediation phase of the park project.

2018 EPA Brownfield Cleanup Grant (Amount Awarded $60,000)

This funding was provided through the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and will fully fund any remediation that was discovered during the Environmental Evaluation that has been performed through the previously referenced RDA environmental evaluation. This process removes and properly disposes of any lead, asbestos or general contamination that has been identified. Plymouth Environmental was awarded this remediation project.  The remediation portion of the Cedar Street Moretti park project is complete.

• 2017 PECO Green Region Grant (Amount Awarded $10,000)

This is a PECO planning/engineering grant. The funding awarded is to be used towards the Planning/Engineering phase of the Cedar Street Park. The plans were created through public input and information sessions conducted with all stakeholders including Residents, Professional Planners, Professional Engineers, Landscape Architects, Horticulturists, Arborists and Elected Officials. The completed plans were reviewed and approved by the Jenkintown Borough Planning Commission and Borough Council. The completed park project plans have been successfully approved for construction funding under the 2019 MONTCO 2040 Implementation Grant. Additionally, the completed park plans have been submitted for consideration of construction funding to the 2019 DCED Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program Grant (GTRP) and the 2019 DCNR Community Conservation partnership Program Grant (C2P2), these two granting authorities plan award announcements in late fall of 2019.

• 2018 PaDEP 902 (Amount Awarded $170,100)

Jenkintown Borough was awarded the entire amount requested of $170,100 toward the purchase of the much needed “trash” leaf/yard waste collection truck. The Boroughs required funding match of 10% was paid for by the 2017 PaDEP  904 Grant Awarded in the amount of $17,744.  This funding was greatly needed as the current Borough collection truck was at the end of its useful life cycle and had become a drain on the PW maintenance budget. The new truck was delivered in February 2020 and is currently in use.  The grant closeout process has been completed.

• 2018 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (Amount Awarded $153,000)

This grant was used to purchase the required emergency radios for the Fire Department. The radios have been received and have been distributed. There was a 5% match required. The Borough worked together with the representative of the “Fire House Grant” company to expedite this grant close out which has successfully been closed out.

• 2018 PaDEP 904 (Amount Awarded $10,446)

This is for recycling performance grant through the Department of Environmental Protection recycling performance grant.  Improvements in recycling education are continuously being provided by the Borough, Jenkintown’s Environmental Action Committee (JEAC) and through other community programs.  This can be used for the required Borough match to the 2020 PaDEP902 Grant, currently under application.

• 2017 Montco 2040 Implementation
(Amount Awarded $73,902 + $10,000 donation from Glanzmann Subaru)

Pedestrian & Southern Gateway Enhancements project is currently in progress and expected to be completed in March 2020. The project includes installation of gateway and pedestrian improvements at the intersection of Old York Road and Washington Lane in the form of four distinctive light post and banner structures, improved sidewalks and ADA ramps, benches, enhanced crosswalks, an enlarged and landscaped pedestrian space and transit stop and a 200 sq. ft. rain garden. This project was awarded to James R. Kenny Excavating and Paving.

• 2017 PaDEP 904 (Amount Awarded $17,744)

For the recycling performance grant. This is a $9,000 increase from the previous year and is due to recycling tracking improvements as well as increased recycling tonnage as a result of improved recycling education being provided through the EAC and other Borough programs. This can be used for the required Borough match to the 2018 PaDEP902 Grant.

• 2017 PennDOT “Green Light Go” Grant (Amount Awarded $89,784)

This PennDOT Grant fund assisted in improving the life safety of the General Public, Jenkintown Police Department and the Public Works Department during emergency situations by funding the final upgrades of Borough traffic lights to LED and adding battery back up lights on all York Road traffic lights along with three mini emergency generators.  The “Green Light Go” Construction Project was completed in August of 2019.

• 2017 DCNR C2P2 Playground Rehabilitation Grant (Amount Awarded $20,000)

Councilor Farrell, Borough Engineer, staff worked to complete this project and closed out the Grant. The Grant funding of $20,000 was received from the DCNR and the JB Playground Committee provided an additional $8,000 donation to assist in the funding of this project. The project included installation of an accessible pervious pathway, accessible parking space, climbing wall and playground safety mulch. The Borough has completed the grant close out process.

• 2017 PA Small Water and Sewer Program, (Amount Awarded $150,000)

This State funding was awarded for repair/upgrades for the Borough sanitary sewer infrastructure project. This work addressed the “Runnymede Avenue” basin which had been experiencing heavy Inflow & Infiltration during storm events. The work was completed on Newbold Road, Vernon Road, Clement Road, York Road and Rydal Road. This project and grant closeout process has been completed.

• 2016 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (Amount Awarded $110,000)

This FEMA grant has a required 5% non-federal fund match requirement, that match of ($5,238) was a budgeted expense by the Borough. This funding was used to purchase breathing apparatus for the Jenkintown Fire Department. The Borough grant writing representative, “Fire House Grant” company, assisted the Borough with the grant closeout process.

• 2016/2017 CDBG Grant (Amount Awarded $306,000)

This funding was used to complete approximately 53 HC Curb Cut Ramps throughout the Borough. This project and grant closeout process has been completed.

• 2015 PennDOT Green Light Go Grant (Amount Awarded $93,000)

This State grant provided for the school zone safety lights and signage. The school zone lights, signage and stripping are in place on West Avenue and Walnut Street adjacent to school property. The existing school zone lights on West Avenue were replaced/upgraded and the static signage on Walnut Street were replaced and upgraded with school zone traffic lights. The Borough has completed the grant closeout process.

• World War 1 Memorial Grant (Amount Awarded $1,000.00)

The Borough in conjunction with the York Road Historical Society had applied for and received a grant to cover 50% of the cost to restore the Jenkintown World War 1 memorial. The entire cost of $2,000.00 would be reduced to $1000.00 and then divided evenly between the Borough and the York Road Historical Society further reducing the Borough’s financial liability to $500. This project has been completed and grant closed out.

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