Check back here often for Jenkintown’s latest achievements, successes and awards.
2024 Bulk Leaf Collection Schedule
The Jenkintown Borough 2024 curbside leaf collection will begin on Monday, October 28th and will continue through Tuesday, December 19th. As in previous years the Borough has been divided into five (5) routes. Each route will be collected four (4) times.
The 2024 Leaf Collection Schedule can be found opens in a new windowHERE.
The Jenkintown Borough Public Works Department works throughout the Borough to collect leaves placed at the curb. The leaves are then transported to Abington Township and processed into mulch, that mulch is then available free of charge to residents.
Yard Debris (grass, leaves, small branches and other garden debris) can be recycled together in biodegradable paper bags and picked up as normal every Tuesday year-round.
Biodegradable paper bags can be purchased at Borough Hall during normal business hours. Put bagged leaves at the curb just prior to collection day. Do NOT put invasive plants, trash, large branches, dirt, stones or rocks into the biodegradable paper bags.
Residents are asked to please adhere to the following regulations regarding leaf collection in order to ensure a successful collection:
- Do not put leaves in the road prior to the day before the scheduled collection. Leaves that are placed in the roadway prior to the night before are a serious safety concern as well as detrimental to storm water run off as they clog the storm drainage system. (contractors who do not comply will be cited)
- Do not park on top of leaves. This prohibits access to the leaves and can be a fire hazard.
- Do not include rocks, sticks, trash, etc. for collection with leaves. This does damage to the collection machine and results in down time for repairs. Leaf piles with any of these items above will not be collected.
- Please observe all regulatory parking signs.
- Leaves should not be burned for disposal as per Jenkintown Borough Code Section 94-4
The Public Works Department will make every attempt to maintain the schedule, but residents should be prepared for delays due to inclement weather. If this is the case the Public Works Department utilizes Fridays as a make-up day or an overabundance of leaves prohibits a route being completed as scheduled. Although the Borough strongly encourages you not to place your leaves in the street prior to one day before the scheduled pick up, once they are in the street, please leave them there and they will be picked up.
Posted: 10. 04.2024
Public Works Department F600 Dump Truck Delivered
JBPW took delivery of the replacement dump truck that had been ordered in late 2023. This vehicle will replace the 2007 GMC dump truck that had served the Borough; snowplowing, salting and hauling materials to perform maintenance on roadways, open space and all Borough owned properties. The 2007 GMC being replaced was toward the end of it’s useful life cycle, maintenance costs were increasing with age and the truck had been out of service since late 2022. The new Ford F600 dump truck was ordered through the COSTARS procurement program saving the Borough thousands of dollars and will return the JBPW to a full complement of three (3) dump trucks. The new truck is equipped with equipment specific to the Borough’s needs such as an electric powered salt spreader, hydraulicly controlled plow and landscape dump body with side and rear doors for safe loading and unloading of materials. The truck is also equipped with the latest in safety technoligy including a back-up camera. The truck has been placed in service with the Borough while awaiting upfitting emergency lighting and identification decals.
Left to right: PW Laborer Wesley, PW Driver/Laborer Raheem, Council President J. Conners and PW Foreman K. Riggins.
Jenkintown Town Hall Meeting with State Representative Napoleon Nelson
Jenkintown wins “2020 Honoree” for Best PA Borough Websites!
The Borough is proud to have been awarded a winner in the category of small government (borough) websites in the State of Pennsylvania, with populations between 2501 and 5000. Thank you very much to the Official Magazine of the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs for this gracious recognition!
A variety of staff, elected officials, and our website administrator are continually working to update and improve the Borough website to best provide timely, accurate information to the public.
FEMA GRANT Visioning Session -Getting Ready to Recruit!
On Thursday, February 6th, Firefighters and other volunteers from both Pioneer Fire Company and Independent Fire Company came together for a night of brainstorming in preparation for a new volunteer recruitment campaign. The “Visioning Session” was intended to develop a message and brand identity that will be used on a recruitment website, brochures, banners, a video and on social media. Volunteers were guided through this creative exercise by Jenkintown public relations company, the Communication Solutions Group. The entire program will be funded by a grant from FEMA that was awarded to Jenkintown Borough. The next step of the recruitment portion of this grant funding opportunity will be a Photo Shoot and a Professional Video production of the Jenkintown Fire Department.
It is an exciting time for our Fire Companies! Stay tuned as this program is rolled out and see the many ways you too can Volunteer to Serve for the betterment of your community.

Jenkintown Borough has been awarded a State and a Federal Grant
$75,000 Awarded for Cedar Street Moretti Park – State Grant
The Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) awarded a $75,000.00 DCED Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program Grant (GTRP) to the Borough of Jenkintown for the Cedar Street Moretti Pocket Park, coming to the Cedar Street neighborhood in 2020. The grant funding will be utilized for the construction of the planned pocket park.
Jenkintown Borough is fortunate to have had the unwavering support of the offices of State Senator Art Haywood and State Representative Steve McCarter on this pocket park project and grant application. “This park will be an oasis for the Cedar Street Neighborhood”, State Representative Steve McCarter has recently stated. “It will help foster a community by providing the young and old a place to relax, exercise and play.”
The planned passive pocket park will transform .36 acres of land on Cedar Street into an attractive pocket park to provide the residents and visitors a unique opportunity to enjoy nature within the context of a close-knit neighborhood. Jenkintown Borough acquired the two properties with the goal of creating new open space by repurposing existing underutilized spaces within the Borough in compliance with Recommendation NP10 of the Jenkintown 2035 Comprehensive Plan. The park will include a porous paving walking path, play area, rain garden, butterfly meadow, storage shed and ADA parking. Additional improvements include stormwater management and several ecological functions.
$176,340 awarded for Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response – Federal Grant
The Department of Homeland Security awarded a $176,340.00 FEMA Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grant (SAFER) to the Borough of Jenkintown. The ability to recruit and retain volunteer fire fighters has been diminishing nationwide. In 1970 there were 300,000 volunteers in Pennsylvania and today there are only 38,000. This funding will be utilized over a four-year period to assist the Jenkintown Fire Department in recruitment and retention of their Volunteer Fire Fighters. This funding application was designed with innovative concepts and programs that acknowledge and incentivize higher levels of training and expertise, reward levels of achievement and encourage members of the community to join the fire fighting service. The planning and implementation of this grant will begin in Fall of 2019 so the benefits can have an immediate impact on the Community.
This new “Wings Mural” is a fun photographic opportunity for Jenkintown locals and visitors while strolling through the heart of Jenkintown. Located near Jenkintown Town Square at Leedom Street and Greenwood Avenue, this creative, angelic mural was made possible by collaborative efforts of local business Painting with a Twist, a “paint and sip” art studio, JYA Jenkintown Youth Activities, a youth sports organization and two aspiring young artists; Nicki Kohler and Evie Piescek.
We hope everyone has fun photographing with this beautiful masterpiece!
Artist Nicki Kohler: artist and creator of the “Wing Mural” is “almost” local–she was born in York, PA but beat it out of there ASAP to attend Tyler School of Art to study photography. Post-graduation she decided that she loved the area so much that she stayed! Her son is like a grandson to Christine & Regina (local business owners of Painting With A Twist, Jenkintown)–having been born just before the opening of Painting with a Twist (PWAT) Jenkintown and she is soon to give these surrogate grandmoms another grandchild! In addition to working as a mom and at PWAT Jenkintown, she is starting her own hand-lettering company and Nicki has created many of the murals seen around Jenkintown! Look her up for window painting, custom art, and calligraphy! Nicki can help you with anything you need here–she is an artist, a mom, and a truly kind and wonderful human!
Artist Evie Piescek: an accomplished artist who has practically been with Painting with a Twist, Jenkintown since their opening, was a collaborator in this “Wing Mural” piece and works alongside Nicki Kohler in creating their colorful window art that everyone loves. Evie was raised in rural PA but moved to Philly to attend Arcadia University where she graduated with degrees in painting and sociology. She is an excellent painter, a patient teacher, a caring friend, loving wife (newlywed) who will, in a few months become a wonderful mommy!
Painting with a Twist, Jenkintown (PWAT)
Founders: Christine Trapaga and Regina Jakacki
Physical Address: 209 Leedom Street, Jenkintown PA 19046
Christina and Regina have been good friends for nearly 25 years and have intermittently worked as colleagues in the hospitality industry throughout that time. In late 2012, Christina and Regina were looking for a career change and the idea of a “paint and sip” studio came up on Christine’s radar. “We tried it and we loved it!” tell Christine and Regina, “but it took a long and grueling six months to find the perfect location…Jenkintown! The new business owners were welcomed with open arms and immediately felt a part of this amazing little jewel of a town. A couple of years later, their wonderful landlord and surrogate uncle, Lee Rosenthal, gave Christine and Regina the opportunity to buy the building from him. “We jumped at the chance to embed ourselves even more deeply in this special community and here we are, almost seven years later!”
JYA Jenkintown Youth Activities
Board President: Tom McHugh
Physical Address: 620 Greenwood Ave 2nd Fl Jenkintown PA 19046
This local youth sports organization in Jenkintown, PA, was established in 1961 and is a 100% volunteer based nonprofit. In the Fall we offer intramural soccer, travel soccer, baseball, golf, and flag-football. In Spring we have baseball, softball and tee ball and during the summer we offer basketball, tennis and soccer camp.
JYA has over 500 registered players involved in one or more of the various sports offered by the non-profit organization each year. 85% of those registered participants are children from the Bourgh of Jenkintown and range in age from 2 to 14 years.
Jenkintown Borough has been presented with a Certificate of Environmental Stewardship by WGL Energy for our continuation of service using Green-e Energy certified 100% WindPower.
Jenkintown Borough is an environmental leader dedicated to renewable energy and takes pride being one of the very first municipalities to convert to wind energy as part of their continuous efforts to implement more environmentally-friendly and efficient energy solutions. All Borough owned municipal buildings, LED street lights and LED traffic control lights are powered by 100% WindPower.
Jenkintown Borough Council, Planning Commission and Environmental Advisory Committee are coordinating efforts to implement the renewable energy recommendation and strategies adopted in the Jenkintown 2035 Comprehensive Plan.
The new 11,000 sq. ft corporate offices will house over 38 employees within the Education, Operations, Marketing, Merchandise/Planning, Human Resources, Customer Service, Supply Chain, Finance, Security and Data Entry departments.
TerraVida Holistic Centers is Pennsylvania’s largest medical marijuana dispensary operation with locations in Abington, Sellersville and Malvern.
They have expanded their workforce due to rapid growth while staying committed to serving the many needs of Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana patients and community.
This move will allow TerraVida to broaden the selection of services offered, specifically with an Education Center that will host numerous patient-focused activities and events.
TerraVida is always looking for qualified talent to join their growing team. Resumes and cover letters may be sent to jobs@terravidahc.comcreate new email.
There is no medical marijuana for sale in Jenkintown Borough.
Jenkintown Receives Montco 2040 Implementation Grant from Montgomery County
Jenkintown Borough has received a 2019 Montco 2040 Implementation Grant for its Cedar Street Moretti Park Project. The grant, awarded for $99,850, aimed at implementing the county comprehensive plan, Montco 2040: A Shared Vision, is one of fifteen recently awarded by the Montgomery County Commissioners. These 2019 grant awards account for over $1,600,000. Since the program’s inception in 2016, over $5.5 million has been awarded to projects.
Jenkintown Borough will install a new, .36-acre community pocket park in the Cedar Street neighborhood of Jenkintown Borough. The grant will cover the first phase of improvements, which will include site preparation, demolition, walkways, parking, fencing, stormwater management, utilities, lawn and landscaping features. The new park will provide public open space and recreation in a dense and close-knit residential area of the Borough.
The community’s vision for the future of the property is to transform it into an attractive pocket park to provide Borough residents and visitors a unique opportunity to enjoy nature within the context of their close-knit neighborhood. It is anticipated that the transformation of this site into a pocket park will also improve the stormwater management, ecological function, and overall appearance of the site; while providing additional passive and active recreation opportunities for nearby residents.
The Montco 2040 Implementation Grant Program is intended to assist municipalities in making targeted physical improvements that achieve real progress toward the goals of Montco 2040 and its themes of Connected Communities, Sustainable Places, and Vibrant Economy.
Projects were evaluated in terms of impact, county and local planning consistency, project readiness, and funding attributes by a committee made up of planning commission board members and interdepartmental county staff. Projects were also given heightened consideration when addressing one of three focus categories for 2019: Walk/Bike Montco – Trails, Paths, Sidewalk Connections and Bike Facilities; Downtown and Community Destination Support; or Adaptation and Resiliency.
Visit for more on the grant program and to see all of the grant recipients. For questions, contact Scott France at 610-278-3747 or via email at sfrance@montcopa.orgcreate new email.
Posted 6/20/19.
Appointing members to the various volunteer boards and commissions is one of the responsibilities of Borough Council. Jenkintown Borough is extremely fortunate to have such extraordinary and talented residents with interest in serving by sharing their time, knowledge and expertise for the betterment of Jenkintown Borough.
On April 24th , 2019, Borough Council voted to make two very important appointments.
• Gary Bachman – Uniform Construction Code Appeals Board. Gary Bachman is a lifelong resident of Jenkintown Borough, he has served with the Pioneer Fire Company selflessly protecting the life safety of Borough residents, business owners and visitors for over 55 years, with 40 years of that time serving as the Pioneer Fire Company and/or Borough Fire Chief. In addition to Mr. Bachman’s
volunteer service he operates a successful second generation mechanical/heating and air conditioning business in Jenkintown. Many residents and businesses that have experienced an emergency or routine hot water, heating, air conditioning issue or emergency fire incident have probably had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Bachman in person. His first-hand construction industry experience and working knowledge of the PA Uniform Construction Code are a valuable asset for this position. Details on the duties of the UCC Appeals Board can found on the Borough’s website
• Alison Danilak – Planning Commission. Alison Danilak currently serves on the Jenkintown Borough Design Review Board. Mrs. Danilak is a professional architect who has worked for over twenty years in the field and is currently pursuing a Masters Degree at LaSalle University. Mrs. Danilak gives back to the community in many ways, including volunteering disaster and humanitarian relief at the Loaves and Fishes Food Cupboard and teaching Sunday school & at Grace Presbyterian Church.
The Planning Commission is established by the PA Municipal Planning Code and Jenkintown Borough Code. The Planning Commission’s responsibilities include: review of proposed ordinances, review and recommendations on land development plans, implementation and dissemination of the Borough Comprehensive Plan, listing and management of the Local Landmark, Historic, and Contributing Register of structures within Jenkintown Borough. Details on the duties of the Planning Commission can found opens in a new windowhere.
Jenkintown Borough would like to both thank and welcome Mr. Bachman and Mrs. Danilak to their respective positions.
Jenkintown Borough extends our sincere thanks to Robert Guerin for his past service on the UCC Appeals Board and to John Krebs for serving for twelve years on the Jenkintown Planning Commission.
Other appointments/reappointments made by Borough Council in 2018-2019 include:
• Gabriel Lerman, Jenkintown Borough Planning Commission
• Phil Zimmerman, Jenkintown Borough Planning Commission
• Jon McCandlish, Jenkintown Borough Planning Commission
• Glen Morris, Jenkintown Borough Planning Commission
• Lucinda Bartley, Jenkintown Borough Planning Commission
• Joseph Hentz, Jenkintown Borough Planning Commission
• Penelope Cutler, Jenkintown Borough Zoning Hearing Board
• Linda Manfredonia, Jenkintown Borough Zoning Hearing Board
• Anne Brennan, Jenkintown Borough Zoning Hearing Board
• Adrienne Redd, Environmental Advisory Committee
• Judy Bishop, Environmental Advisory Committee
• Andrea McCarthy, Environmental Advisory Committee
• Keara Weinstein, Environmental Advisory Committee
• Joanne Everett, Environmental Advisory Committee
• Maureen Lucak, Environmental Advisory Committee
• Angele Surault, Environmental Advisory Committee
• Megan DiPasquale, Environmental Advisory Committee Associate Member
• Molly Bruce, Environmental Advisory Committee Associate Member
• John McGrath, Shade Tree Commission
• Ryan Lafferty, Shade Tree Commission
• George Gazonas, Shade Tree Commission
• Bill McMahon, Shade Tree Commission
• Gary Hutnick, Jenkintown Civil Service Commission
• Mark Asher, Design Review Board
• Susan Yanessa, Design Review Board
• Kevin Poirot, Design Review Board
• Phil Zimmerman, Design Review Board
• Alison Danilak, Design Review Board
• Michael Quigg, Design Review Board
• Mark Brunner, Uniform Construction Code Appeals Board
• Chris McGeehan, Uniform Construction Code Appeals Board
• Jeff Orkin, Uniform Construction Code Appeals Board
• Steven Beltz, Uniform Construction Code Appeals Board
There are many Borough committees, boards, commissions and opportunities to serve, so please do not hesitate to inform Borough Council if you would like to be involved in any way.
Posted 6/17/19.