Jenkintown Borough has been notified by PECO’s subcontractor Kehoe Construction, Inc., that Walnut Street , between West Avenue & Rodman Avenue will have temporary lane closures from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Cheltena Avenue, between Cloverly Avenue & Walnut Street will be closed to through traffic from 7:00 AM to 3PM on Thursday, January 14th. Walnut Street and Cheltena Avenue closures (expected to be completed this week) will allow for the contractors to safely perform paving restoration of the trenches where the new gas lines were installed. The final paving of the roadway will take place in the spring time when the weather allows. The road will be repaved from curb to curb the entire length. The paving restoration and final paving costs are considered part of this project and are covered by PECO. Read More »
Category Archives: News
Walnut Street from West Avenue to Rodman Avenue and Cheltena Avenue lane closure
PECO has completed the installation of the new gas mains in Jenkintown Borough on the Acceleration Gas Infrastructure Modernization Project (AGIMP) project.
Jenkintown Borough has been notified by PECO’s subcontractor Kehoe Construction, Inc., that Walnut Street , between West Avenue & Rodman Avenue will have temporary lane closures from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Cheltena Avenue, between Cloverly Avenue & Walnut Street will be closed to through traffic from 7:00 AM to 3PM on Wednesday, January 13th. These Walnut Street and Cheltena Avenue closures (expected to be completed this week) will allow for the contractors to safely perform paving restoration of the trenches where the new gas lines were installed. The final paving of the roadway will take place in the spring time when the weather allows. The road will be repaved from curb to curb the entire length. The paving restoration and final paving costs are considered part of this project and are covered by PECO. Read More »
Tonight at 7:00 PM is the First EAC Meeting of 2021
Please join the EAC members and engaged citizens for a Zoom meeting of the Jenkintown Environmental Advisory Committee (JEAC) , tonight Wednesday January 6, 2021 at 7 pm.
In attendance this evening will be special guest Emily Pugliese of the office of State Senator Art Haywood to summarize upcoming environmental legislation in the Pennsylvania legislature. Senator Haywood has always been a strong supporter of Environmental concerns and efforts and we are looking forward to hearing the upcoming legislation. Read More »
Important January Information
Below is important information from the Borough regarding the Administration hours, as well as the Public Meeting and Special Collections Schedule:
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic and the rapid increase in positive cases, the Borough Administration Office will be open by appointment only during the hours of 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. In addition, the Borough Administration’s office phone switch board will be open from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. All calls outside of the above schedule will be directed to the appropriate party for resolution.
Borough Hall Closed, January 18th, 2021 Martin Luther King Jr Day: Jenkintown Borough Hall will be closed on Monday, January 18th, 2021 in recognition of the Martin Luther King Jr Day holiday. Borough Hall will reopen on Tuesday, January 19th, 2021.
At this time, the Borough will continue to livestream all scheduled public meetings including committee and Borough Council meetings on the Borough’s Facebook page for the safety and welfare of all participants. Beginning in March 2021, the livestream of all Borough public meetings will be braodcast via YouTube platform in lieu of the current Facebook application. Additional announcements on this platform migration to follow. A meeting schedule for the January 2021 meetings and a link to the websites meeting minutes/agendas has been provided below for your reference. Read More »
Runnymede Avenue to be Closed to Through Traffic
PECO has now completed the installation of the new gas mains in Jenkintown Borough on the Acceleration Gas Infrastructure Modernization Project (AGIMP) project.
Jenkintown Borough has now been notified by PECO’s subcontractor Kehoe Construction, Inc., that Runnymede Avenue, between West Avenue and Cloverly Avenue, will be closed to through traffic beginning on Wednesday, January 6th until Friday, January 8th from 7:00 AM until 3:00 PM. This closure will allow for the contractors to safely perform paving restoration of the trenches where the new gas lines were installed on Runnymede Avenue and is expected to be completed this week. The final paving of the roadway will take place in the spring time when the weather allows. The road will be repaved from curb to curb the entire length. The paving restoration and final paving costs are considered part of this project and are covered by PECO.
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