All posts by George Locke

PECO Junction Box Adjustment and Sidewalk Repair Project continues Monday, August 17th thru Thursday, August 20th

The Borough has been notified by PECO’s subcontractor, Miller Bros. that the junction box adjustment and sidewalk repairs project in the Jenkintown Borough business district will continue today, August 17th through Thursday, August 20th from 7:00 AM until 3:00 PM on York Road from Cherry Street to West Avenue.  Areas affected by this work will be posted with temporary ‘no parking’ signs to allow for the work to be completed safely.  Entrance to businesses will be maintained throughout this process.

Flaggers will be on site during this night work to assist with traffic control due to temporary lane closures on York Road.

If you have any further questions about this project please contact PECO at 610-832-6420opens phone dialer. If you have an emergency dial 911.

ESSENTIAL ECONOMIC RECOVERY Senate Proposal, COVID-19 Relief Package

The National League of Cities is urging communities to take action and be a part of very important legislation for coronavirus relief funds for state and local governments:

The Senate released proposal for the next coronavirus relief package, is the  opens in a new windowHEALS Act. This version does not include additional funds for state and local governments. Our communities cannot recover without additional federal support and flexibility is not enough. We cannot let another federal legislative package reach the President’s desk without providing aid directly to cities, towns, townships and boroughs, where it will make the greatest difference for America’s recovery.

There is still time to negotiate but  opens in a new windowwe need YOU to call your Senators and tell them that the direct aid to all local governments MUST be part of any emergency assistance package. The future of America’s 19,000 hometowns depends on it.