All posts by George Locke

Jenkintown Borough Holiday Schedule 

Borough Hall Closed – December 24th (12:00 PM) and December 25th, 2024:  In recognition of the Christmas Holiday, Borough Hall will be closing at 12:00 PM on Tuesday, December 24th and will reopen for business on Thursday December 26th at 9:00 AM.

Due to the Christmas holiday, trash and recycling curbside collection will be delayed by one day and collected on Saturday, December 28th, 2024. 

Borough Hall Closed – December 31st (12:00 PM) and January 1st, 2025: In recognition of the New Year, Borough Hall will be closing at12:00 PM on Tuesday, December 31st and will reopen for business on Thursday, January 2nd, 2025 at 9:00 AM.

Due to the New Year’s holiday, trash and recycling curbside collection will be delayed by one day and collected on Saturday, January 4th, 2024. 


Jenkintown Borough has been notified by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that our 902-grant application has been chosen for award in the amount of $12,973.

Jenkintown Borough’s application requested funding for 300 lidded, wheeled, 35-gallon recycling toters. The Borough will be responsible for the 10% grant match in the amount of $1,442.

The JB Environmental Advisory Committee conducted a community wide survey and compiled a list of addresses that need another recycling toter. The survey revealed that some of the larger homes require more than one recycling toter. There were some that were damaged and need replaced and when new residents move into the Borough in most cases a recycling toter is requested by the new resident.

Jenkintown Borough, mainly through the Environmental Advisory Committee, has continued to educate residents about the benefits of recycling and there has been increased interest from the community. The disbursement of the recycle toters will be conducted by the Public Works Department. Recycling tonnage is tracked and utilized annually when preparing the PA DEP 904 grant application which is awarded through a formula based on total recycling tonnage collected within the Borough.

2024 Bulk Leaf Collection Schedule

The Jenkintown Borough 2024 curbside leaf collection will begin on Monday, October 28th and will continue through Tuesday, December 19th.  As in previous years the Borough has been divided into five (5) routes.  Each route will be collected four (4) times. 

The 2024 Leaf Collection Schedule can be found  HERE. 

The Jenkintown Borough Public Works Department works throughout the Borough to collect leaves placed at the curb. The leaves are then transported to Abington Township and processed into mulch, that mulch is then available free of charge to residents. 

Yard Debris (grass, leaves, small branches and other garden debris) can be recycled together in biodegradable paper bags and picked up as normal every Tuesday year-round 

Biodegradable paper bags can be purchased at Borough Hall during normal business hours. Put bagged leaves at the curb just prior to collection day. Do NOT put invasive plants, trash, large branches, dirt, stones or rocks into the biodegradable paper bags. 

Residents are asked to please adhere to the following regulations regarding leaf collection in order to ensure a successful collection: 

  • Do not put leaves in the road prior to the day before the scheduled collection. Leaves that are placed in the roadway prior to the night before are a serious safety concern as well as detrimental to storm water run off as they clog the storm drainage system. (contractors who do not comply will be cited) 
  • Do not park on top of leaves. This prohibits access to the leaves and can be a fire hazard. 
  • Do not include rocks, sticks, trash, etc. for collection with leaves.  This does damage to the collection machine and results in down time for repairs. Leaf piles with any of these items above will not be collected. 
  • Please observe all regulatory parking signs. 
  • Leaves should not be burned for disposal as per Jenkintown Borough Code Section 94-4 

The Public Works Department will make every attempt to maintain the schedule, but residents should be prepared for delays due to inclement weather. If this is the case the Public Works Department utilizes Fridays as a make-up day or an overabundance of leaves prohibits a route being completed as scheduled. Although the Borough strongly encourages you not to place your leaves in the street prior to one day before the scheduled pick up, once they are in the street, please leave them there and they will be picked up. 


Yard Debris Curbside Pick Up will be moved next week to Monday, September 30th due to the Public Works Department attending a PennDOT Winter Maintenace Planning Training Class on Tuesday, October 1st.

Curbside collection of yard debris will return to Tuesdays, October 8th and will continue throughout the year weather permitting.