Community Meeting – Parking Management

The Borough will be holding a community meeting to discuss on and off-street parking, management and regulations throughout the Borough. The meeting will be held in person at Borough Hall on Thursday, September 19th, at 7:00 PM.
All interested residents, property owners and business owners are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions on this important subject.
The Borough Parking Ordinance that was adopted in 1978 and then revised in 2006 is now approaching nineteen years old. We have all seen many changes in the Borough as it relates to parking needs during this time requiring this need for review, revisions/additions to Borough Code, Chapter 172 Vehicles and Traffic, Articles lll through Vl. As well, review and discussion has been taking place to identify for removal, ambiguous language and language that simply no longer applies.
This is an excellent opportunity to further the effort to modernize and structure the parking ordinance to reflect the current and future parking needs of the Borough while clearly defining the standards and regulations to be enforced.
This planning effort to improve parking management will create a long term profound contributing factor in the success of the business district and the quality of life, structure of our community.
The Jenkintown PD, PE Officers, Borough staff and Borough Council have been discussing the various components of the Parking Ordinance as well as the means and method of payment options.
The JPD and PE Officers charged with managing the parking regulations have shared observations made firsthand of the many factors impacted by the current regulations and changing conditions. That analysis combined w/ ideas shared by individuals that are directly affected, have brought forward several constructive and creative ideas that will be shared for consideration.
A status update on current, available, proposed and planned improvements to the means and methods of parking payment will be provided and discussed.
All things Parking:
Planning Commission
Future discussions on Zoning, Conditional Use processes will include parking regulations, planning, current parking requirements, ratios, etc…


As are all Borough Public meetings this meeting will have a ZOOM link that can be requested by emailing the Borough Manager at Glocke@jenkintownboro.comcreate new email should you be unable to attend in person. The meetings can also be watched over Live Feed on the Borough Facebook page. If you have any questions concerning this meeting please feel free to email the Borough Manager or call Borough Hall at 215-885-0700.