Estimate of Damage to Private Property

The Borough Emergency Management Team, which is led by Chief of Police DiValentino, adivalentino@jenkintownpd.orgcreate new email and Fire Marshal Lynch, klynch@jenkintownboro.comcreate new email , have been tasked with compiling an “Estimate of Damage to Private Property” and reporting that number to Montgomery County Emergency Management. This is a very important estimate as it ultimately affects many decisions by the County and State.

This estimate must be provided expeditiously so it can be counted in the report to the County. If your Private Property suffered any damage due to the Severe Storms that passed through the Borough yesterday (wind, water, structural, any…) please email that information to Chief DiValentino or Fire Marshal Lynch or call Borough hall and speak with one of them to add your property damage to the list. They will need your name, address, contact, estimate of damage and may need to make a follow up call for details.

Public works has begun cleaning up debris from the storm, working on a priority list established through the storm as well as their list of areas of concern. If you have an issue with debris or any concern about a condition in the public right of way, please call Borough hall (215 885 0700) and report that condition to Public Works so the PW Foreman can investigate and address it.

The Police Department is Staffed and As Always will remain Operational. The Police and Public Works Departments coordinate efforts in the case of roadways needing cleared of debris for emergency and non-emergency vehicles if necessary.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the Borough at (215) 885 -0700.