Congresswoman Madeleine Dean shares up-to-date Coronavirus Information and Resources

Jenkintown Borough continues to update the  opens in a new windowBorough website with the latest COVID-19 information and community resources that have been provided by County, State and Federal agencies.

Please see the latest information on coronavirus and resources provided below by Congresswoman Madeleine Dean:

I want to thank you for your continuous efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19. As your member of Congress, I am committed to providing the most up-to-date information on coronavirus and resources as we navigate this time. Our efforts to social distance, test and trace COVID-19 have helped slow the spread of the virus in Montgomery and Berks counties.

If you would like to be tested for COVID-19 please follow the steps below:

  1. Visit
  2. Select County Testing Information or call 610.970.2937opens phone dialer on the date of the intended appointment
  3. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and will remain open until all slots are filled and as long as testing supplies allow.

Note: Spanish-speaking operators are available. 

For Berks County residents, please visit the Berks County Website opens in a new windowhere for information about testing options near you.

Upcoming Elections

Election Day is quickly approaching on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Pennsylvania allows any voter to request a ballot by mail or you can vote in-person. Make sure that you are prepared and have your plan to vote settled.

Voting In Person:

Voting Locations
To find your polling location, opens in a new windowclick here.
What to Bring to Vote

  • If you’ve voted at your polling place before, you don’t need to show ID to vote.
  • If you’re a first-time voter, or if you moved within Pennsylvania and are voting for the first time at a new polling place, you must show ID to vote. Acceptable forms of ID can be found opens in a new windowhere.Note: If you are unable to provide ID, you will be able to vote with a provisional ballot.

Voting by mail

  1. To learn if you should apply for a mail-in ballot or an absentee ballot click opens in a new windowhere.
  2. To request a mail-in or absentee ballot online, click opens in a new windowhere.
  3. Fill out the application completely.
  4. Submit the request to your local election office. You should request your ballot as far in advance of the election as possible. The deadline to request a ballot by mail is (received by) Tuesday, October 27, 2020.
  5. When your ballot arrives, read it carefully and follow the instructions to complete it and return it.
  6. Check on your election ballot status opens in a new windowhere.

Turning in your absentee or mail-in ballot in person
Once absentee and mail-in ballots are available, voters will also be able to go to their county office of voter services to request a ballot and return it same-day.
Dates and deadlines

Be a Poll Worker
Both Montgomery and Berks Counties are looking for poll workers this election day. If you are interested in being a poll worker, you can apply in in Montgomery county opens in a new windowhere, and Berks county, opens in a new windowhere.

If you have a specific question or concern, reach out to your county’s voter services: opens in a new windowMontgomery County Voter Services or opens in a new windowBerks County Voter Services.

Rental Assistance 
The Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provided $3.9 billion for Pennsylvania to help people hurt economically during the pandemic. In late May, the General Assembly directed $175 million of these CARES dollars to PHFA to provide assistance for struggling renters and homeowners with at least $150 million for rent assistance. Assistance is available in the form of a grant and funds that will be paid directly to landlords or property owners. The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency will accept CARES RRP applications until September 30, 2020

CARES RRP funds may be used to assist those that became unemployed after March 1, 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, or those experiencing at least a 30% reduction in annual income related to COVID-19. If you are at least 30 days past due on monthly rent payments and can verify job loss or loss of income related to COVID-19, you could be eligible.

CARES RRP funds may only be used to cover rent incurred between March 1, 2020, and December 30, 2020. The maximum amount of monthly assistance is $750. The maximum CARES RRP funding available is $4,500 throughout a period of six months.

The CARES Rent Relief Program application can be found opens in a new windowhere. Full program guidelines can be found opens in a new windowhere.

Mortgage Assistance
The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) administers the Pandemic Mortgage Assistance Program. The PHFA will accept CARES RRP applications until September 30, 2020. The program provides emergency mortgage assistance on behalf of homeowners who are delinquent in their mortgage payments and who have experienced job loss or reduced income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Assistance will be made available in the form of a grant and funds will be paid directly to lenders. The assistance is subject to the availability of funding and meeting the eligibility criteria found opens in a new windowhere.

The CARES Pandemic Mortgage Assistance Program application can be found opens in a new windowhere.

Full program rules and guidelines can be found opens in a new windowhere.


The Borough continues to encourage everyone to continue to follow the Governor’s latest orders as well as  opens in a new windowCDC guidelines including washing hands often, social distancing and wearing face coverings while around others.

Thank you all.  Be safe and stay well!