REMINDER: 435 Johnson Street – Conditional Use Hearing Jenkintown Borough will Livestream public meeting Tonight, August 26th at 7:00 PM during Borough Council Meeting



August 26, 2020 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Borough of Jenkintown, Montgomery County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, will hold a public hearing on Wednesday August 26th, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. via the online platform of ZOOM video conferencing, and will be live streamed to Facebook Live, in order to consider the Conditional Use application of Stuart Tollen & Brian Bowens (the “Applicant”). The applicant is seeking conditional use relief under section 181-138.B.5 of the Jenkintown Zoning Ordinance in order to paint a mural at 435 Johnson Street,

Jenkintown, Pennsylvania 19046, tax map parcel 10-00-01916-00-9 located in within the Town Center Zoning District (the “Property”). All affected or interested parties are invited to attend and offer testimony. A complete copy of the petition to Jenkintown Borough Council is available for public inspection at Borough Hall during open business hours as well as online at The public will have the opportunity to participate  during the public comment portion at The public may also submit written comments in advance to George Locke Borough Manager, via email at  Comments received before 4:00 PM the night of the meeting will be read during the public meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns please call the Borough Hall Office at 215-885-0700.

Please Stay Safe and Be Well