Jenkintown Borough continues to update the Borough website with the latest COVID-19 information and community resources that have been provided by County, State and Federal agencies.
State Representative Steve McCarter has provided the following message with information for COVID-19 hunger relief effort organized by the MontCo Anti-Hunger Network in collaboration with the Montgomery County Department of Public Safety.
Dear Friends,
I want to alert you to a COVID-19 hunger relief effort organized by the MontCo Anti-Hunger Network in collaboration with the Montgomery County Department of Public Safety. They will be distributing boxes of “contact-free” food on a weekly basis throughout the county. The first distribution is TOMORROW — Thursday, May 28 — at 11 a.m., and it’s in our area at the Willow Grove Park Mall, 2500 Moreland Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090.
Enter the mall from Moreland Road or Easton Road. Stay in your vehicle with your windows rolled up. When directed, open your trunk, and a volunteer will place the food boxes inside.
Distribution will begin at 11 a.m. and continue until supplies run out.
This week, each vehicle will receive two boxes of food, regardless of household size or number of households represented in the vehicle:
Box 1: Mixed Dairy: (2) 32-ounce long life fresh milk; (2) 16-ounce butter spread; (1) 5-pound yogurt; (1) 5-pound sliced American Cheese; and (1) 5-pound shredded mozzarella cheese.
Box 2: Mixed fruits and vegetables: 3 oranges, 3 apples, 4 potatoes, 3 onions, 3 cucumbers, 2 sweet potatoes, 3 pounds of blueberries; and 6 pounds of peaches.
Anyone in need is welcome. You do not have to live in Montgomery County to participate, and no ID or paperwork is required.
Stay safe and well,
Steve McCarter
Pennsylvania State Representative
Serving Cheltenham Township, Springfield Township and Jenkintown Borough
The Borough continues to encourage everyone to follow the Governor’s latest “Stay at Home Order” as well as the CDC guidelines including hand washing, social distancing and covering your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others.
Thank you all! Stay safe and be well!