The Pennsylvania primary election is right around the corner and Governor Tom Wolf is encouraging voters to apply for a mail-in ballot. Not sure how to apply for a mail in ballot? Follow opens in a new windowthis link for information on how to apply.
Not registered to vote? The new deadline to opens in a new windowregister to vote or update a voter registration for the primary is May 18. Registered voters have until 5 pm May 26 to opens in a new windowsign up to vote by mail ballot and until 8 p.m. on election day to return their voted ballot. Voters who applied for a ballot before the change of election date do not need to apply again, but voters whose address may have changed should contact their county election office.
For more information on the new mail-in ballots and all things related to voting in Pennsylvania, call the Department of State’s toll-free hotline at 1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772) or visit opens in a new
The Borough continues to encourage everyone to follow the Governor’s latest “Stay at Home Order” as well as the opens in a new windowCDC guidelines including hand washing, social distancing and covering your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others.
Thank you all! Stay safe and be well.