COVID-19: Important Message from Montgomery County Commissioner Dr. Val Arkoosh

Jenkintown Borough would like to share the following important message from Montgomery County Commissioner Dr. Val Arkoosh:

COVID-19 is now spreading rapidly in our community. In Montgomery County alone, this extremely contagious virus has now infected more than 500, hospitalized several dozen, and killed six people.

There are now six families grieving the untimely loss of their parent, grandparent, husband, or wife. Many more families in our community will experience this tragedy if you don’t take steps right now to stop the spread of COVID-19.

You must stay at home except for life-sustaining activity. By leaving your home today for any unnecessary reason, you are taking someone else’s life in your hands. Even if you feel fine, you could unknowingly transmit the virus to someone else. Your carelessness could kill them.
Is that trip to the store worth it? Is seeing your friends in person worth it? Make the right choice. Stay at home.