Complete Cedar Street Park Plan Presentation and Q&A

Next Tuesday, March 12th at 6:30 PM at Borough Hall, Jenkintown Borough will be hosting the final Cedar Street Park Planning meeting to present and discuss the Park Layout Plan of the future Cedar Street Park. This public planning meeting is open to all residents and those who wish to participate in the planning process. After this evening the plan will be presented to the Jenkintown Borough Planning Commission meeting the following week, Tuesday, March 19th.

All meetings are public and will be held at Jenkintown Borough Hall, 700 Summit Avenue, Jenkintown PA. Please join all the stakeholders whose valued input has shaped the Cedar Street Park planning thus far in the process. The purpose of this meeting is to complete the planning process and produce the final park plans prior to the end of March 2019, so that grant funding opportunities can be applied for as early as April 2019 to construct the Cedar Street Park.

Jenkintown Borough encourages residents to attend and provide valued input during the park planning process. Should you have any questions, please contact Borough Hall at (215) 885-0700.