JSD Vestibule Construction Project Set to Begin March 2019

Good evening,
The Borough is currently processing the construction permits for the JSD vestibule project. The project will begin in March and conclude in June 2019. The JPD & Borough Admin. has provided for three temporary – twenty minute parking stalls on West Avenue across from the school entrance for convenience of visitors while conducting official school business. Please review the detailed communication provided below by the JSD.
Notification from: School District of Jenkintown (Admin)
Dear Parents/Guardians,
In the fall, a secure vestibule project was approved by the Board of School Directors to increase the safety and security of our students and staff. Construction of the vestibule is scheduled to commence in March and conclude by the end of June. The vestibule construction is predominantly an exterior construction project and is not expected to impact student movement throughout the building or interrupt the educational environment.
However, beginning March 1, 2019, our arrival and dismissal procedures will be altered. The front circle on West Ave. will be restricted to construction vehicles only and will not be accessible for student drop off or pick up by car. The rear circle on Highland Ave. will be utilized instead.
All visitors must use the West Ave. front door across from the elementary office, present a valid ID, and state the reason for their visit.  Walkers may also enter and exit the building through this door.

  • Elementary Students may enter and exit the building through the rear door by the cafeteria or the side elementary door by the corner of West and Florence.  However, students arriving for breakfast must use the rear steps to the Link in the morning.
  • MS/HS Students may enter and exit the building up the rear steps to the Link.

These additional doors will be locked during the school day and will not be accessible to visitors at anytime.

Signs will be posted on all of the proper entrance doors.
There will be a walkway for visitors and students entering the front of the building on the West Ave. side and there will be a limited number of parking spots across the street on West. Ave. designated as 20 min. parking for visitors coming into the offices for any reason.
Should you have any questions, please contact the elementary or MS/HS offices. Thank you for your patience as we continue to make security improvements for our school community.
Jill A. Takacs, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

Thank you! Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call Borough Hall at (215) 885-0700.