2019 Budget

I am pleased to present Borough Council with the Proposed 2019 Budget, totaling $9 .056 million dollars. All funds, with the exception of the [01] General Fund, are currently adequately funded and will carry, at minimum, the fund balance recommended by Government accounting guidelines through the 2019 budget cycle. In 2019, the [01] General Fund will comprise 46.42% of the budget and carries the large majority of the Borough’s operating expenses.

A significant portion of the 2019 [01] General Fund revenues are generated from the Act 511 taxes, which are mostly paid by Businesses, Employers and Commercial Property Owners. While those revenues were steady in 2018, there were again significant returns (six figure) that had to be issued from this classification of taxes. In most cases these one-time expenses were generated by those Commercial tax payers who were mistakenly paying the incorrect Municipality. In 2018 the Borough hired a third-party tax specialist / collection specialist to assist in reducing and/or eliminating future occurrences of this liability while working to identify tax collections that should have been made to Jenkintown Borough. Also, in 2018, recognizing the inconvenience to residents and cost created administering the per-capita tax, Borough Council voted to eliminate that tax. This will result in a reduction of revenue created from Act 511 taxes of approximately $19,000. In addition to the aforementioned causes of revenue shortfall, there were contracted increases in the JPD collective bargaining agreement and increased health care costs due to the insurance provider no longer offering the health care plan afforded to the Uniform employees.

Additionally, while the tax assessment reduction appeals have slowed and somewhat stabilized, to date the real estate assessment for Jenkintown Borough provided by the Montgomery County Board of Assessment has a slight decrease in the amount of taxes generated by $7,658 for 2019.

Moreover, Borough Council’s stated goal was once again to eliminate or minimize any potential tax increase presented in the 2019 budget. While the detailed and thoughtful analysis/review performed by Borough Council during the public budget meetings produced several cost reduction measures, and insured that all other Funds are adequately funded, the expense reductions could not offset the revenue shortfall in the General Fund.

In conclusion, despite the rising costs of goods and services provided, as a result of their sound planning and prudent spending, Borough Council had been able to avoid increasing the tax millage allocated to this fund since 2012 and provided a millage reduction in 2014. The 2019 Budget contains a proposed increase in tax millage assigned to the [01] General Fund, setting the millage rate for this fund at 4.93 mills will result in a tax millage increase of .40 mills which equates to approximately $60.00 on a property assessed at $150,000.


• Grant Funding – The Borough Administration through the Administration and Finance Committee, identified grant funding sources for necessary Revitalization, Capital Project/Infrastructure and open space projects within the Borough. The Borough individually applied and was granted approximately $891,163 in grant funding for projects in 2018. Additionally, the Borough filed a joint municipal grant application with Abington Township to improve pedestrian safety, upgrade traffic control lights and mitigate flooding at the intersection of Washington Lane and Greenwood Avenue. That joint Municipal grant was awarded in the amount of $1,000,000.
• Sanitary Sewer – Utilizing the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Study performed in 2016, the Borough identified the 2017 Pa State Small Water Grant to fund the required sanitary sewer repairs on the Borough owned sanitary sewer mains located in the Runnymede Avenue drainage basin. The Borough applied for and received the grant ($150,000); bid, awarded and completed the project. Additionally, the Borough identified the 2018 Pa State Small Water Grant to fund the required sanitary sewer repairs on the Borough owned sanitary sewer mains located in the West Avenue drainage basin. The Borough applied for and received the grant ($394,000); the project is slated to be bid in early 2019.
• Infrastructure upgrades Created infrastructure project coordination with utility providers (Gas, Electric & Water) to improve safety, minimize disruption to services, maximize cost savings and minimize disruption to Jenkintown Borough tax payers. PECO Gas completed the installation of two (2) miles of HP Gas main, new services and safety meters. PECO Electric completed the installation of eighty-five (85) new electric poles Borough wide as well as underground wiring and equipment upgrades throughout the business district. Aqua Pennsylvania completed the installation of one half (.5) mile of new high capacity watermain. Jenkintown Borough installed four hundred and twenty (420) LED streetlights. Jenkintown Borough installed four (4) storm water inlets and associated piping. Jenkintown Borough also continued the comprehensive paving project, there was one half (.5) miles of roadway repaved and one (1) mile of residential sidewalk evaluated and addressed by the property owners, JBPWD completed several road base repairs aimed to extend the life of those existing roads.
• Borough Administration – worked to implement cost saving measures established by the new Finance Director, worked toward the common goal of providing the best possible services at the lowest possible costs to the Borough’s tax payers. Added a part time Fire Marshal / Property Maintenance Inspector to staff. This has been very successful in being able to Administer Council’s policies as they apply to Public Safety, Property Maintenance and Revitalization.
• Parking – Continued cultivating cooperative parking share agreements with property owners to provide night time parking for Borough businesses. Modernization of parking meters and installation of additional kiosk pay stations were performed Borough wide.
• CLEARGOV – Implemented financial reporting software “CLEARGOV” that allows for public access and review of all Borough funding revenues/ expenditures. Jenkintown Borough was the first Municipality in Pennsylvania to provide this software, placing the Borough in the forefront of Municipal financial transparency.
• Information Technology – Continued to improve electronic communications and social media platforms including the new Borough website and Facebook page. IT improvements included providing ‘live real time feed” of all Borough Council meetings on the Borough website and IT security upgrades.
• Municipal Planning – Fostered a productive partnership with the Montgomery County Planning Commission, and established a Steering Committee to produce a new Borough wide “2035” Comprehensive Plan.
• Highway Safety- Continued Borough wide street sign replacement program with high reflectivity signage. Implemented replacement and installation of traffic safety striping with upgraded thermo-plastic material.
• Revitalization – Continued fostering cooperative efforts with developers and property owners to populate the commercial districts and revitalize the flourishing business district.
• School Zone Safety – Completed the installation of the School Zone Safety signals on Walnut Street and replacement of existing school zone warning lights on West Avenue. Completed project for the planning, and installation of new School Zone Safety signage on Greenwood Avenue.
• Borough Code Update – Reviewed and revised Borough Code Chapter 156 Streets & Sidewalks bringing the Code current with improved construction means and methods as well as current Borough standards. Reviewed and revised several Chapters of Borough Code including fire safety.


• Community Planning – Continue to foster our productive partnership with the Montgomery County Planning Commission.
• Jenkintown 2035 Comprehensive Plan – The JB Planning Commission has undertaken and will continue to move forward with the implementation of the “Jenkintown 2035” Jenkintown Borough Comprehensive Plan.
• Jenkintown/Wyncote Train Station ADA Improvements – Borough Council, JBPC and Borough Administration has continued working through the FTA Section 106 ADA Access review process. The Borough’s focus has been on making sure the Historic train station remains relevant to business and travelers. The Borough plans to continue to be engaged in this project and providing input to generate the best possible outcome from the Federally mandated ADA access improvements.
• Grant Funding – Continue working to identify, obtain and apply for grant opportunities that meet the Borough’s specific needs including; infrastructure, beautification and open space.
• Cedar Street/Moretti Parklet – Coordinate with the Parklet Sub-Committee, DCNR, DVRPC, JBEAC and MCPC to continue obtaining public input in order to prepare Engineered construction drawings of the proposed open space on Cedar Street. Once Engineered drawings are established, grant applications for funding opportunities will be submitted the DCNR, DCED, County and Pa State utilizing the Engineered drawings paid for in part by the PECO Green Region Grant.
• Sanitary Sewer Projects –The replacement of the sanitary conveyance system carrying Borough sewer through Cheltenham Township and on to the Philadelphia waste water treatment plant began in late 2017. The Borough’s portion of the repair is approximately $1,400,000. In preparation for this project Jenkintown Borough commissioned a sewer rate study and set the sewer rate so that the cost of financing this project would be accounted for. The additional funds realized by these actions appear to be adequate to cover the projected construction costs. In 2017, the first payment of$210,000 was made, followed by payments totaling $141,000 in 2018 for construction costs associated with this project. The Borough has bid this borrowing to obtain the lowest possible interest rate and costs. Through Cheltenham Township, Jenkintown Borough has been under strict regulatory control by the PaDEP as it applies to sanitary sewer flow and connections. Installation of this conveyance system and continued repairs of Borough owned sewer mains will reduce and eventually eliminate the strict controls imposed by the PaDEP.
• Joint Municipal Partnerships – Continue working on cooperative projects with neighboring municipalities in order to continue stormwater, sewer, paving and traffic/street lighting projects at a cost savings to the Borough tax payers.
• Infrastructure Upgrades – Work to complete the PECO utility pole project, coordinate efforts with Aqua Pennsylvania to install new water mains on Walnut Street (West to Greenwood) and Highland Avenue (West to Hillside) These same roads will be on the 2019 Borough paving project, handicap ramp installation, storm water inlet replacements / repairs.
• Street Sign Replacement – Continue the Borough wide street sign replacement program with high reflectivity signage.
• JSD – Remain committed to fostering our partnership with the school community and to coordinating efforts when and where possible. Continue working to identify grant opportunities that would benefit the JSD projects presented.
• Commercial Growth – Continue efforts to welcome businesses into the borough and to administer Council’s policy of consciously balancing a business friendly atmosphere while insuring the required codes and laws are followed.
• Capital Plan- Establish a formal plan for repair and replacement of Borough owned assets.
• Community Well-Being – Continue administering Council’s policies in order to ensure that Jenkintown Borough continues to be an inclusive, safe, family-friendly desirable community to live.

2019 total assessed valuation, provided by Montgomery County is $285,397,439. The tax millage is allocated as follows, based on a 98% collection rate:


General Fund                                     4.930 mills                           $1,351,292

Street Light Fund                              0.202 mills                           $55,367

Fire Protection                                  0.600 mills                           $164,457

Fire Apparatus                                  0.450 mills                           $123,343

Library                                                  0.826 mills                           $226,403

Street Tax                                            0.265 mills                           $72,635

Debt Service                                       0.880 mills                           $241,204

Total Real Estate Tax millage     8.153 mills                          $2,234,702


On December 12, 2018, the Jenkintown Borough Council adopted the 2019 Operating Budget. The 2019 Budget can be found hereopens PDF file

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