Important November Public Meeting Schedule

Please find the information below as a summary of the November Borough Public Meetings and the next opportunities for public input. All meetings will be held at Borough Hall, 700 Summit Avenue.

  • Wednesday November 14th, 7:30 PM Public Safety / Public Works Committee Meeting: Last monthly Committee meeting of the year. Agendas for these meetings will be posted on the Borough’s website at 
  • Monday November 19th, 6:00 PM Final Public Budget Workshop: Final budget workshop before Council reviews for advertisement. Funds to be reviewed this evening are; 01 General, 02 Street Light, 05 Library, 08 Sewer, 09 Solid Waste, 18 Street Tax, 20 Debt Service, 31 Capital Projects, 35 Liquid Fuels, 60 Police Pension, and 65 Non-uniform Pension
  • Monday November 19th, 7:30 PM Administration & Finance / Building, Zoning & Revitalization Committee Meeting: Last monthly Committee meeting of the year. Agendas for these meetings will be posted on the Borough’s website at 
  • Monday November 19th, 7:30 PM Galman Group Presentation – The Borough received a request to appear before the Building, Zoning & Revitalization Committee from the legal representative of the Development Unit Acquisition LT c/o Galman Group LTD. The appearance is to share and discuss the updated project information, proposed project details, land use litigation settlement agreement and potential project timeline.The existing mixed used development is in Abington (the Pavilion, Plaza Apartments), which includes a vacant 3-acre parcel whose access is on Greenwood Avenue and which abuts the borough line adjacent to the rear property lines of the Washington Lane homes situated in Jenkintown Borough. The plans have been modified to shift the 1 proposed building farther away from the borough line. Two apartment alternatives are under consideration.  Both have less building height, are farther away from the Borough line, and have less square footage than what was agreed to in the settlement agreement.
  • Tuesday November 20th, 6:30 PM Cedar Street Park Planning Workshop – The Jenkintown Borough Planning Commission will be hosting the Cedar Street Park Planning Presentation and Informational Input Workshop.Please join all the stakeholders whose valued input has shaped the Cedar Street Park planning this far in the process. All information that was contributed during the previous public planning workshops has been compiled, and was arranged to provide a general scope of work and possible proposed features of the park. The prior public planning workshops provided invaluable historical knowledge of the property, as well as several great ideas of potential features and important factors to be considered during these final planning sessions. Please consider attending and participating in the planning of your park.
  • Tuesday November 20th, 6:30 PM Planning Commission Meeting – the Planning Commission will be discussing and planning the implementation of the newly adopted 2035 Comprehensive Plan, listing of historic/significant buildings within the Borough and other agenda items. The agenda for this meetings will be posted on the Borough’s website at 
  • Wednesday November 28th, 7:30 PM November Council Meeting– The monthly Borough Council Meeting. The agenda for this meetings will be posted on the Borough’s website at 
  • Wednesday November 28th, 7:30 PM 201 York Road Conditional Use Hearing– Jenkintown Borough Council will hold a public hearing to consider the application of Midgard Properties LP II (the “Applicant”). The subject property is 201 York Road, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania 19046, located in the NCR – Neighborhood Commercial Residential District. Applicant requests the following to be heard as a conditional use: 1) Applicant requests conditional use approval from Section 181-49.B.1of the Ordinance to construct two additional apartments. The building was originally approved for five apartments during a conditional use hearing in June 2017. All affected or interested parties are invited to attend and offer testimony. A complete copy of the petition to the Jenkintown Borough Council is available for public inspection at Borough Hall during normal business hours.
  • Wednesday November 28th, 7:30 PM Medical Marijuana Grower/Processor Ordinance Public Hearing– The proposed Ordinance would regulate the location and natured of licensed organizations growing, acquiring, possessing, manufacturing, selling, delivering, transporting, and/or distributing/dispensing medical marijuana as well as establish reasonable and uniform regulation to prevent the deleterious location and concentration of such business in inappropriate locations within the Borough.