Latest Land Development Projects/Meetings

There are several applications and/or projects that have recently been presented to Jenkintown Borough. Please find the information below as a summary of the current proposed projects and the next opportunities for public input. 

  • Roizman Development Inc./Summit House Associates 2018 LLC – 610 Summit Avenue, Jenkintown, Pa 19046.

Conditional Use – On May 23rd, 2018, Borough Council conditionally approved the age restricted, four stories, 74-unit apartment building at 610 Summit Avenue. Jenkintown Borough Council approved the apartment building use with the following conditions; 20% of this first floor of the building along the street frontage must be walk in retail not associated with the operation of the residential portion of the building, a deed restriction must be placed on the property to restrict the apartment to individuals 62 and older as permitted by the “Housing for Older Persons Exemption” under the Fair House Act, applicant must comply to and one to one parking ratio based on the number of units on the approved plan, comply with all conditions set forth in the March 28th 2018 letter from the attorney for Dr. Steven Moriconi, comply with all conditions set forth in the April 20th Opinion and Order from the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Hearing Board, install a historical marker or plaque to commemorate the location and history of Salem Baptist Church, and finally the applicant shall not seek an exemption from any property taxes while owned by the applicant. Zoning Hearing Board – on April 19th the Zoning Hearing Board approved the project noting the following items:

  1. Regarding commercial floor space, Section 181-50.J.2.b does not apply to the proposed development, rather Section 181-41.B.1.a applies;
  2. Regarding the setback of the building façade, Section 181-50.G.2 does not apply to the proposed development; rather 181-50.G.3 applies;
  3. A variance is granted from Section 181-50.I subject to the following conditions: That the Applicant receive conditional use approval under Section 181-97 and 181-98 from the Borough for the instant development, That the deed for the Property is restricted pursuant to the testimony at the March 13, 2018 hearing regarding, specifically, restricting the age of residents of the property.

The ZHB decision has been appealed by two residents and that appeal will be heard by the Court of Common Pleas. Once the hearing has been scheduled we will update that information. The applicant has requested a pre-application meeting with the Montgomery County Conservation District and that meeting has been set for July 10th, 2018.
The equitable property owner is still required to obtain the following approvals; Building (UCC), Design Review Board, DEP/EDU, PennDOT, Borough Engineer, Borough Traffic Engineer, Land Development / Borough Council, SALDO and Storm Water.
Next – Subdivision Land Development (SALDO)
No subsequent applications have been filed and no public meetings have been scheduled as of the date of this communication.

  • 459/471 York Road / Scot Hummel – 459/471 York Road, Jenkintown, Pa 19046. The equitable property owner has presented a preliminary proposal to redevelop the former Helweg Funeral Home site. The proposed business would be a Taco Bell. Preliminary plans were discussed at the January 17th B.Z.&R. meeting and presented before Borough Council at the January 24th meeting, requesting and receiving Council support for the proposal before the forthcoming ZHB hearing. This project requires Zoning variances/approval and is also contingent on receiving PennDOT approval for a vehicular controlled traffic device (traffic light). This proposal has begun the process and would require the following approvals; Zoning, Building, DEP/edu, PennDOT, Borough Engineer, Borough Traffic Engineer, Land Development / Borough Council, SALDO and Storm Water. That Zoning Application was reviewed and denied for non-compliance with the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Code. The applicant has submitted revised plans and the Zoning Application. The Borough has reviewed the revised plans that have been submitted for compliance with the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Code. Portions of the proposed plans have been deemed not in compliance with the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Code. The applicant has now chosen to request a hearing before the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Hearing Board requesting multiple Zoning Variances (relief). Major variances include allowing a drive-thru facility, and the drive thru being open until 2 AM.

                  Next – Zoning Hearing Board Hearing (Public Hearing Continued)
      ZHB Hearing has not been scheduled as of the date of this communication.

  • 141/169 Greenwood Terrace Apartments – 169 Greenwood Avenue, Jenkintown, PA 19046. The property owner has submitted an initial Zoning application to expand the non-conforming use of multi-family housing in the B-1 Residential Zoning District. The plan is for the construction of 14 apartments. The code allows for an expansion of a non-conforming use by up to 25%. That Zoning Application was reviewed and denied for non-compliance with the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Code. The applicant has stated that he will be revising the proposed plans and resubmitting the Zoning Application. Once the revised plans have been submitted they will be reviewed for compliance with the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Code. If the plans do not comply the applicant has the choice to withdrawal the plans or request a Hearing before the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Hearing Board to request Zoning Variance (relief) or to ask the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Hearing Board for determination that the code does not apply or the Zoning Officer erred in the decision. The applicant has indicated that they will be submitting the revised plans and are hoping to comply with the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Code, that has not happened as of the date of this email.
  • 93 York Road / Paul Aschkenasy – 93 York Road, Jenkintown, Pa 19046. The property owner has presented a preliminary proposal to redevelop the 93 York Road site. The main tenant space has been vacant for seven years and in its current configuration the owner is not optimistic about finding a viable tenant. The owner is proposing a total upgrade to the main building with design to retain current commercial tenants as well as attract new tenants on the first floor and retrofitting the second and third floor for approximately 24 apartments. In addition to retrofitting the main building the owner has an opportunity to acquire a high-profile tenant in the second building on site, reconfigure the onsite parking and drive lanes, and are also looking to install a drive thru at the rear of the structures for the second building. Preliminary plans were discussed at the B.Z.&R. Committee Meeting in February and May 2018 and presented before Borough Council at the May 23th meeting, requesting and receiving Council support for the proposal before the forthcoming ZHB hearing. The applicant has submitted the proposed plans and the Zoning Application. The plans and application have been submitted and reviewed for compliance with the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Code. The plans do not comply and are being returned with a Zoning review letter stating the apparent deficiencies. The applicant has the choice to withdrawal the plans and revise them or request a Hearing before the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Hearing Board to request Zoning Variance (relief) or to ask the Jenkintown Borough Zoning Hearing Board for determination that the code does not apply or the Zoning Officer erred in the decision. This proposal in addition to Zoning would require the following approvals; Design Review Board, Building (UCC), DEP/EDU, PennDOT, Borough Engineer, Borough Traffic Engineer, Land Development / Borough Council, SALDO and Storm Water.

                       Next – Zoning Hearing Board Hearing (Public Hearing)
When – T.B.D.
Where – T.B.D.

Borough Owned Property – 700/708 Summit Avenue, Jenkintown, Pa 19046. In late 2016, it was brought to the Borough’s attention that the adjacent property at 610 Summit Avenue, was being purchased by a developer who was also interested in purchasing the Borough property at 700, 704 and 708 Summit Avenue. The Borough has long desired to move the Municipal Complex out of the center of the business district to be able to place the parcels back on to the tax rolls. In May 2017 the Borough issued an R.F.I (request for information) to gauge developer interest and so that various development proposals could be reviewed. After receiving only one response, the Borough re-issued the R.F.I. (request for information), there was then two responses to the R.F.I. on the second issuance. Currently, Borough Council has entered in to an agreement with the County Re-Development Authority to explore the feasibility and implications of selling the Borough owned parcels and relocating to a different location within the Borough. A Preferred Developer has not been chosen and there have been no binding decisions made concerning the sale of the Borough owned parcels or relocation of Borough hall. Public discussions are currently being arranged by Borough Council to inform and provide available information to residents, property and business owners. Any proposed development would require the following approvals; Zoning, Building, Design Review Board, DEP/edu, PennDOT, Borough Engineer, Borough Traffic Engineer, Land Development / Borough Council, SALDO and Storm Water. There are no updates on this project at this time.