Five Year Progress Report on Ten Year Paving Project

At the July Borough Council Meeting, an update was presented of the ten year project which was designed to coordinate the paving project and maintenance of the curb and sidewalk throughout the Borough. A link to the presentation can be found hereopens PDF file  and will be permanently available on the Public Works Tab on the Borough website. Some highlights are that the program commenced in 2013, it was intended as a ten year program, 62% of Borough roads have been repaved thus far, on those roads 531 properties have had their curb/sidewalk inspected and now meet code. Additionally, 62 properties have been addressed through property maintenance actions and 48 properties through the U&O program that has been in place since September 2017. A total of 641 properties have had their curb/sidewalk inspected and repaired, where needed, making them safer and code compliant. Having safe walkable sidewalks is a major priority to Borough Council and the Community. It would be hard to dispute the success of these programs. It is also of importance to note that without the outstanding cooperation exhibited by the Borough property owners, this program could not have been a success.

More details on the handicap accessible curb ramp program will be forthcoming shortly.

Thank you to all!