Adoption of 2035 Comprehensive Plan

Following several public information and input sessions, the planning process for the Jenkintown 2035 Comprehensive Plan has been completed including the required comment portion by the public, neighboring municipalities and all other entities as required by the the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code. Jenkintown Borough Council will now be holding a public hearing during the July Council Meeting on Wednesday, July 25th, at 7:30 PM at Jenkintown Borough Hall, located at 700 Summit Avenue to consider the adoption of the Jenkintown 2035 Comprehensive Plan.

The complete draft of Jenkintown2035 Comprehensive Plan can be found online at or print copies can be reviewed at Borough Hall or the Jenkintown Library.

Jenkintown Borough would like to extend their sincerest thank you all of those involved during the monthly steering committee meetings as well as those who attended the public workshops, public comment sessions and completed the various surveys that have been sent out. Without your help, this plan would not have been possible!