Jenkintown ZHB Hearing Thursday Night

The Jenkintown Borough Zoning Hearing Board will be holding a public hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, June 28th, 2018, at the Jenkintown School District Middle School / High School Auditorium, located at 325 Highland Avenue, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania 19046 to consider the application of PB 459 York, LLC. The equitable owner is looking to combine three parcels located at 459, 467, and 471 York Road and then subdivide the property into two parcels – one for a quick service restaurant and the other for the existing twin. Applicant requests the following relief: Parcel “A” 1) request a variance from Section 181-49(A)(7) and Section 181-49(C)(3) of the Ordinance to allow for a drive-through window and facilities. 2) request a variance from Section 181-50(C)(2) of the Ordinance to allow a 26.0 ft front yard setback (build-to-line), where a maximum of 10 ft. setback is required. 3) request a variance from Section 181-50(G)(1) of the Ordinance to allow a building height of one (1) story, 4) request a variance from Section 181-51(I)(2) of the Ordinance to allow outdoor furniture to remain in the outdoor seating area after normal business hours, 5) request a variance from Section 181-51(C)(1)(a) of the Ordinance to allow access to the parking lot off of York Road, 6) request a variance from Section 181-51(C)(1)(c)(2) of the Ordinance to allow for surface parking on a corner lot located on a collector or arterial road, 7) request a variance from Section 181-54(A)(1) of the Ordinance to allow the sidewalk width along Johnson St to be four (4) ft and the sidewalk width along Cherry St to be six (6) ft, 8) request a variance from Section 181-54(B)(4) of the Ordinance to allow the Applicant to construct a roof that is not a pitched roof, 9) request a variance from Section 181-54(B)(2) of the Ordinance to allow construction of a building without a corner entrance, 10) request a variance from Section 181-69(E) of the Ordinance to allow the surface parking lot built to be the street right-of-way, with a zero (0) ft setback, and 11) request a variance from Section 181-92 of the Ordinance to allow the drive-through facilities to be open until 2:00 AM. Parcel “B” 1) request a variance from Section 181-50(A) of the Ordinance to allow the lot size to be 3,091.4 sqft, 2) request a variance from Section 181-50(B) of the Ordinance to allow the lot width to be 23.96 ft, and 3) request a variance from Section 181-50(D) of the Ordinance to allow the side yard setback to remain at zero (0) ft. All affected or interested parties are invited to attend and offer testimony. A complete copy of the petition to the Zoning Hearing Board is available for public inspection at Borough Hall during normal business hours. If you wish to attend the meeting and are a person with a disability requiring an auxiliary aide, service, or other accommodation to participate in it, please contact the Borough Office at 215-885-0700 to discuss appropriate accommodations for your needs.

A complete copy of the petition to the Zoning Hearing Board is available for public inspection at Borough Hall during normal business hours, or it can be found on the Borough’s website at This project is also contingent on additional/outside agencies such as PennDOT approval for a vehicular controlled traffic device (traffic light), DEP edu approval, MCCD, building, storm water, land development and design review.